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Center for Teaching and Learning

Center for Teaching and Learning

Information and resources available at The University of Tampa's Center for Teaching and Learning.

Center for Teaching & Learning Faculty/Staff Resource Guide

The Center for Teaching & Learning is located on the third floor of Plant Hall, Suite 303.

We have resources on topics ranging from Advising to financial literacy.

If you are interested or have a question you may contact us by email or by phone. | (813) 257-3686

Advising Topics

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook (The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series)

Virginia N. Gordon, Wesley R. Habley & Associates

ISBN 0-7879-5025-4

ISBN  978-0787950255

August 2000 | Jossey-Bass

One of the greatest challenges in higher education is helping students achieve academic success while ensuring their personal and vocational needs are fulfilled. High enrollment, new curricula, and technological advances are just some of the developments that have profoundly affected academic advising. This handbook not only clarifies the current status of academic advising but also envisions its role and practice for the future.

More than thirty experts share their wisdom and experience from the field. They provide rich insights for faculty and full-time advisors, counselors, and those who are responsible for the administration or coordination of advising services (Description provided from

Academic Advising: New Insights for Teaching and Learning in the First Year (First-Year Experience Monograph No. 46)

Mary Stuart Hunter, Betsy McCalla-Wriggins, & Eric R. White

ISBN: 978-1-889-27155-2

ISBN: 1889271551

May 2007 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience

Grounded in the philosophy that academic advising is a robust form of one-on-one teaching, this monograph places advising in a new light, one that brings it to the center of the institutional mission and activity. The monograph challenges all readers to embrace the tremendous potential that academic advising has for educating today's college students. Chapter authors explore the advising paradigm; examine current student demographics; and address learning patterns, self-assessment, and technology as key components of advising. Chapters also explore academic advising before enrollment and beyond the advising office, as well as the critical issue of advising assessment. The diverse populations of first-year students addressed in this monograph include adult learners, students of color, students with disabilities, honors students, undecided students, first-generation students, and GLBT students. The monograph editors conclude the volume by offering a series of recommendations and addressing the future of advising (Description provided from

Achieving and Sustaining Institutional Excellence for the First Year of College

Betsy Barefoot, John Gardner, and Marc Cutright, et al. 

January 2005 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN: 9780787971519

ISBN: 0787971510

In 2002, the Policy Center on the First Year of College (supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts, The Atlantic Philanthropies, and Lumina Foundation for Education) sponsored a project to recognize colleges and universities as "Institutions of Excellence" in their design and execution of the first year. Thirteen colleges and universities—representing a broad spectrum of campus types—were selected as exceptional institutions that place a high priority on the first-year experience. Achieving and Sustaining Excellence in the First Year of College includes case studies of each of the thirteen exemplary institutions. These studies illustrate and analyze the colleges’ best practices in teaching, assessing, and retaining first-year college students. The individual case studies offer lessons learned and have broad potential application beyond the particular type of institution represented (Description provided form


Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning


Barbara Cambridge

ISBN: 9781563770500

ISBN: 1563770504

January 2001 | Stylus Publishing

The portfolio is a powerful tool for learning and assessment. Introducing the electronic into the mix increases its power, especially through the key feature of interactive hyperlinks and the potential to promote continuous reflection on, and updating of, learning. This introduction examines the potential of electronic portfolios by addressing: rationales for creating an electronic portfolio; possible features of the portfolio; examples of current practice; cautions; and recommendations. Chapters by nineteen portfolio practitioners from a range of disciplines and institutions describe the construction and use of electronic portfolios (Description provided from

Strategic Leadership in Academic Affairs: Clarifying the board's Responsibilities

Richard L. Morrill 


January 2002 | Association of Governing Boards (AGB)

What are the board's appropriate responsibilities for academic programs? This volume interweaves key data points on critical academic issues, material case studies, board practice, and attitudes about board responsibilities for academic affairs into a fascinating yet practical guide to the business of learning that no veteran committee member or new board member can afford to miss. The purpose of this publication is to reduce the inevitable ambiguities that accompany the board’s policy responsibilities for academic affairs. Because an institution’s success in the marketplace depends largely on the reputation of its academic offerings, it is essential that governing boards engage appropriately in the many issues and options the institution confronts (Description provided by

Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice (Jossey Bass Higher & Adult Education Series)

Nancy J. Evans, Deanna S. Forney, Florence M. Guido-Dibr

ISBN: 9780787909253

lSBN: 07879-0925-4

May 1998 | Jossey-Bass

This sweeping resource gathers together in one volume the diverse body of theory informing our understanding of students' intellectual, cognitive, social, moral, and identity development during the college years. It critically examines the recent body of theory that reflects the changes, complexity, and diversity of today's campuses with special emphasis on gender and cultural differences in student development (Description provided from

Taking College teaching Seriously: Pedagogy Matters!

Gail Mellow, Diana Woolis, Marisa Klages-Bombich and Susan Restler

May 2015 | Stylus Publishing

ISBN: 9781620360804

ISBN: 1620360802

College faculty, both adjunct and full-time, stand with their students at the coalface of learning, wishing for more to succeed and disappointed at how illusory academic success is for so many. Among the array of investments colleges are making to improve student outcomes, from predictive data analysis to enhanced advising, too little attention is paid to supporting faculty. Yet the impact of teacher and teaching on student learning is incontrovertible. Taking College Teaching Seriously: Pedagogy Matters! stands against the tide – celebrating the incredible work faculty members do each day and challenging them to expand their capacity to present their content expertise effectively.

This book presents a model of embedded professional development, which capitalizes on the affordances of technology to enable groups of faculty to examine their practice in a non-evaluative context, but with a clear focus on improvement. The core of the work involves individual reflection and the design provides for an accessible way to “see” into the classrooms of discipline peers. Most importantly, the Taking College Teaching Seriously experience is not an intense one-shot, but rather a structured opportunity for a faculty member to examine and adapt practice over time and to assess the impact of changes on student learning (Description provided from

The Mentor's Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships

Lois J. ​Zachary 

ISBN: 9780470907726

ISBN: 047090772X

October 2011 | Jossey-Bass 

Thoughtful and rich with advice, The Mentor's Guide explores the critical process of mentoring and presents practical tools for facilitating the experience from beginning to end. Managers, teachers, and leaders from any career, professional, or educational setting can successfully navigate the learning journey by using the hands-on exercises in this unique resource (Description provided from

Beyond Grad Success

Becoming a Master Student: Coast Learning System Telecourse (7th Edition)

Dave Ellis

June 1994 | Houghton Mifflin Co

ISBN: 9780395692936

ISBN: 0-395-69293-8

BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT is your guide to the culture of higher education. Through interactive journal entries, hands-on activities, and articles about success, this text will help you gain the qualities needed to become a master student. Tools like the Discovery Wheel, Discovery and Intention Journal, Master Student Profiles, Power Process articles, and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory deepen your knowledge of yourself and help you prepare for success in school and in life (Description provided from

Becoming a Master Student (14th Edition)

Dave Ellis

February 2012 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-111-84078-5

ISBN: 1111840784

BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT is your guide to the culture of higher education. Through interactive journal entries, hands-on activities, and articles about success, this text will help you gain the qualities needed to become a master student. Tools like the Discovery Wheel, Discovery and Intention Journal, Master Student Profiles, Power Process articles, and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory deepen your knowledge of yourself and help you prepare for success in school and in life (Description provided from

Becoming a Master Student (16th Edition)

Dave Ellis

January 2017 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-337-09710-9

ISBN: 1337097101

BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT is your guide to the culture of higher education. Through interactive journal entries, hands-on activities, and articles about success, this text will help you gain the qualities needed to become a master student. Tools like the Discovery Wheel, Discovery and Intention Journal, Master Student Profiles, Power Process articles, and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory deepen your knowledge of yourself and help you prepare for success in school and in life (Description provided from

The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student

Doug Toft & Dave Ellis

December 2019 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-337-56371-0

ISBN: 1337563714

THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT, 5th Edition, was written with you in mind. Beginning with an introduction to higher education, you will learn about Master Student Qualities -- the attitudes and behaviors that lead to success in the classroom and beyond. Tools such as the Discovery Wheel, the Discovery/Intention Journal Entries, Power Process articles, and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory guide you through self-assessment and discovery, creating a foundation from which to build solid strategies for academic growth. This brief text invites you to put new ideas into action immediately and select additional strategies as you plan for your future. The fifth edition includes a new chapter focused on information literacy to help you navigate the constant streams of information you face every day (Description provided from

The Senior year Experience: Facilitating Integratiton, Reflection, Closure, and Transition (Jossey Bass Higher & Adult Education Series)

John Gardner & Gretchen Van der Veer

October 1997 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN: 9780787909277

ISBN: 0-7879-0927-0

The Senior Year Experience is the long-awaited sequel to the 1989 classic book The Freshman Year Experience. Like its highly acclaimed predecessor, this important book fills a gap in the literature on the topic of student transition. It offers a blueprint of the best ideas and strategies for ensuring that the end of the college experience is as promising as the beginning (Description provided from

Thriving in College & Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success & Personal Development (Concise Version)

Joseph Cuseo, Viki Fecas, & Aaron Thompson

July 2008 | Kendall Hunt Publishing Co

ISBN: 978-0-7575-5111-6

ISBN: 0757551114

Thriving in College & Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development covers the full range of topics and issues that impact student success. Content is delivered through multiple formats and learning modalities, including snapshot summary boxes, concept maps, content-relevant cartoons, inspiring quotes from successful students and famous people, and poignant personal stories from the authors (Description provided from

Thriving in College & Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success & Personal Development

Joseph Cuseo, Viki Fecas, & Aaron Thompson

April 2010 | Kendall Hunt Publishing

ISBN: 978-0-7575-7279-1 

ISBN: 0757572790

Thriving in College & Beyond: Research-Based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development covers the full range of topics and issues that impact student success. Content is delivered through multiple formats and learning modalities, including snapshot summary boxes, concept maps, content-relevant cartoons, inspiring quotes from successful students and famous people, and poignant personal stories from the authors (Description provided from

College & Career Success

Bedford/St. Martin's Insider's Guide to Time Management 

Jennifer Scruby

January 2010 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-0-312-61439-3

ISBN: 031261439X

Career Achievement growing Your Goals

Karine Blackett

January 2010 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 978-0-07-337700-1

ISBN: 0073377007

Instructor and Life Coach Kari Blackett's Career Achievement: Growing Your Goals teaches students how to personally and professionally achieve their goals. This text breaks down the elements of career management, including goal setting, resume-writing, and networking effectively with clarity and ease. Portfolio assignments, Career Coaching, Networking Business cards, and more make this text ideal for adults returning to the workforce and career-changers. Multiple activities are interspersed within the chapters allow for practical application (Description provided from

Career Directions (4th Edition)

Dona Yena

November 2005 | Career Education

ISBN: 978-0-07-312314-1

ISBN: 0073123145

With over 25 years of experience in career development and human resources, Donna Yena brings a practitioner’s perspective to Career Directions. Her experience as Vice President of Career Development and Alumni Relations at Johnson & Wales University, along with her background as a manager, instructor, and curriculum designer, contribute to the advice and techniques offered in this text. More than just a text on job searches and career planning, Career Directions covers lifetime career management, beginning with self-assessment and career planning, moving on to job search techniques, and finally focusing on career management and life on the job (Description provided from

Career Directions (5th Edition)

Dona Yena

March 2010 | McGraw-Hill Companies

ISBN: 978-0-07-740383-6

ISBN: 0077403835

"Career Directions: The Path to Your Ideal Career", provides diverse job seekers with the essential resources and techniques to develop a career plan, conduct a successful job search, and succeed in a diverse workplace. Whether your students are seeking an internship or co-op job, first position after graduation, or a career transition, "Career Directions" will prepare students to stand out in the changing workplace! Students in career schools, colleges, community colleges, and universities can all benefit from using this book in career development courses and career workshops. "Career Directions" can also be used independently for those who want to direct their own career planning and job search efforts. With over 30 years of experience in career development and human resources, Donna Yena brings a practitioner's perspective to "Career Directions". Her experience as Vice President of Career Development and Alumni Relations at Johnson & Wales University, along with her background as a manager, instructor, and curriculum designer, contribute to the advice and techniques offered in this text. More than just a text on job searches and career planning, "Career Directions" provides instruction and resource materials that will help you find your internship or co-op job, first position after graduation, or guide you through a career transition (Description provided from

Communication and conflict Resolution Skills

Neil Katz & John Lawyer

September 1985 | Kendall Hunt Publishing

ISBN: 978-08840337108

ISBN: 0-8403-37108

Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills provides practical applications for enhancing communication and personal or professional leadership effectiveness. Engaging, user-friendly material will assist in building skills, improving relationships, and utilizing effective problem solving at work, at home, and in your communities.  Instructors, students and trainers can use this book as a textbook, a handy “go-to” reference, or as a workbook to supplement workshops and learning experiences in communication and conflict management (Description provided from

Connections - Empowering College and Career Success (Instructor's Annotated Edition)

Paul Gore, Wade Leuwerke, & A.J. Metz

January 2016 | Beford St. Martins

ISBN: 978-1-319-01236-6

ISBN: 1319012361

Are you looking for a college success resource that speaks to the all aspects of a student’s college experience? Connections is an innovative new text that offers the ideal balance of motivation, academics, and life skills. It starts with comprehensive coverage of the topics typically covered in the introductory course but has a unique emphasis on goal-setting, life skills and career planning (Description provided from


Connection Essentials: Empowering College and Career Success

Paul Gore, Wade Leuwerke, & A.J. Metz

September 2017 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-03082-7

ISBN: 1319030823

Study strategies proven to bring on success in college, career, and life as Connections Essentials teaches you academic and life skills to stimulate your achievement as an active and collaborative learner (Description provided from

Connections: Empowering College and Career Success

Paul Gore, Wade Leuwerke, & A.J. Metz

November 2015 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-4576-2840-5

ISBN: 1457628406

Balancing motivation, academics, and life skills, Connections is a great resource for each aspect of your life during college, emphasizing key areas like goal-setting and career planning Description provided from

Empowering College and Career Success (2nd Edition)

Paul Gore, Wade Leuwerke, & A.J. Metz

October 2018 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-10716-1

ISBN: 1319107168

Connections is an innovative program, built from the ground up with a growth-mindset approach to college and career success. Written by counseling psychologists Paul Gore, Wade Leuwerke, and A.J. Metz, Connections shows students from day one how to be learners, whose mindset, drive, and strengths will help them meet any challenge on their way to college, personal, and career success. The expertly designed program is firmly rooted in the most current research in positive psychology, using self-reflection as a tool for goal-setting; goal-setting as a tool for imagining one's potential; and imagining one's potential as the motivation for realizing it. Connections puts students at the center of their own personalized learning path, facilitates their purposeful choice of an academic and career plan, and develops all the skills they need--cognitive and non-cognitive, academic and life--to foster their self-growth and success (Description provided from

Focus on College and Career Success (3rd Edition)

Steve Staley, & Constance Staley

January 2017 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-337-09718-5

ISBN: 133709187

With increased attention to diversity, mindfulness, resilience, grit, productivity, financial literacy, alternative presentation e-tools, and new career planning strategies, the third edition of Staley and Staley's FOCUS ON COLLEGE AND CAREER SUCCESS recognizes the varied experiences you bring to the college classroom and guides you to build your motivation and increase your focus, driving your personal success in college -- and well beyond. Knowing how to succeed in college may seem like common sense, but this book teaches real skills you need, letting you avoid the painful trial-and-error experiences that so many students go through. It covers topics, tools, and techniques that will deliver results. All of the book's exercises are designed to help you learn more about yourself and focus on what you need to do to succeed, with learning tools that help you chart your progress. Did you know that your odds of successfully completing college increase after you take a college success course? That makes FOCUS ON COLLEGE AND CAREER SUCCESS a no-brainer (Description provided by

Step by Step to College & Career Success

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

April 2007 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-4130-3191-1

ISBN: 14130319191

(Contents) Introduction Additional Teaching Aids for Instructors Integrating Technology in the Classroom About Freshman Seminars Peer Leaders in Freshman Seminars Special Note to Adjuncts Chapter 1: Beginning Your College Experience Chapter Objectives Timing of Chapter Coverage About this Chapter Suggested Outline for Addressing Topics in Chapter 1 Expanded Lesson Plan Step 1: Lecture Launchers and Icebreakers Step 2: Classroom Activities Step 3: Review Test Questions Web Resources For more Information...... Chapter 2: Managing Time and Staying Motivated [All same as above] Chapter 3: Thinking Critically [all same as above] Chapter 4: Maximizing Your Learning Success [same as above] Chapter 5: Communicating Clearly [same as above] Chapter 6: Listening, Note Taking, and Participating [same as above] Chapter 7: Reading for Success- Mastering an Essential Skill [same as above] Chapter 8: Taking Exams and Tests [same as above] Chapter 9: Relationships, Diversity, and Values [same as above] Chapter 10: Staying Healthy: Managing Stress, and Achieving Wellness [same as above] Chapter 11: Experiencing College Life to the fullest [same as above] Chapter 12: Making the Right Choices for Your Major and Career: Planning Early and Keeping an Open Mind (Description provided from

Step by Step to College & Career Success

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

Publication Year 2008 | 

ISBN # 1413030761

Step by Step to College & Career Success (7th Edition)

John Gardner, & Betsy Barefoot

October 2016 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-02917-3

ISBN: 1319029175

Focused on the critical skills and pivotal choices you'll make in order to succeed in college, Step by Step to College and Career Success delves into key topics such as motivation, esilience, technology, and future career success (Description provided from

Step by Step to College & Career Success (8th Edition)

John Gardner & Betsy Barefoot

October 2018 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-107277

ISBN: 1319107273

Step by Step to College and Career Success is your essential toolkit for success. Find a career that matches your strengths, discover technology for college and career success, and experience essential steps to college success -- when you study the 14 things you should do right away to succeed (Description provided from

Student Success & Career Development

Publication Year 2008 | 

ISBN # 978-0-558-14266-7

The Career Compass: Mentoring to Point You Toward Maximum Professional and Personal Growth

Hayley Norman

November 2010 | Gonzalez-Marin Publishing

ISBN: 978-0-9846261-06

ISBN: 0984626107

What difference does a mentor make?
Studies have clearly shown the value of a mentor. With the help of a seasoned guide, mentees can enhance their reputation, their resume and their career roadmap.
What you may not have heard is the benefit mentors receive from advising and counsleing more junior colleagues. In addition to the personal satisfaction that comes from helping others, becoming a mentor can qualify you for more senior assignments, demonstrate your management capabilities and put you in touch with a segment of your employees you may not have understood before. Mentors often find their own careers enhanced from mentoring (Description provided from

The College Experience Compact (2nd Edition)

Amy Baldwin, Brian Tietje & Paul Stoltz

January 2015 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-321-98002-1

ISBN: 0321980026

The College Experience Compact (2nd Edition) incorporates the GRIT framework, supplying learners with powerful success strategies and tools for college completion and career success—get in, get through, get out, and get paid. The authors recognize that understanding what it takes to succeed in college is one thing, but having the personal GRIT to make it happen is what makes the difference. Framed in a practical, situational manner, the book helps students navigate what to do, when do it, and where to go for support. It provides scientifically grounded yet practical tips and tools students need to grow greater GRIT, which research shows as the most powerful predictor of success in school and beyond. Students ‘Get in, Get through’ using a firm foundation of distinctive features to stay in, and get through, college with academic, social, and transitional skills. In order to ‘Get out, Get paid’ it equips students with a blend of professional and GRIT-based mindset required to successfully graduate and enter a career that fulfills their educational and personal goals (Description provided from

The Essential College Professor: A Practical Guide to an Academic Career

Jeffrey Buller

December 2009 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN: 978-0-470-37373-6

ISBN: 0470373733

The Essential College Professor is about the "how" and "why" of being a faculty member today. Based on the author's series of highly successful faculty development workshops, each chapter deals concisely with the most important information college professors need at their fingertips when confronted by a particular challenge or faced with an exciting opportunity. Written both as a comprehensive guide to an academic career and as a ready reference to be consulted whenever needed, The Essential College Professor emphasizes proven solutions over untested theories and stresses what faculty members have to know now in order to be successful in their careers.

Each chapter is concluded by a short exercise that faculty members can perform to help them, for instance, completely revise a course by restructuring the syllabus and course materials, bring new life to a research project by reframing it as a book proposal or grant application, and so on (Description provided from

Culture & Society-Critical Thinking

Now, Let Me Tell You What I Really Think

Chris Matthews

November 2001 | Free Press

ISBN: 978-0684862361

ISBN: 0684862360

The host of MSNBC's  Hardball  shares his iconoclastic views on American politics, culture, and society in a collection of essays and observations on today's hottest issues and the people in the news, including Clinton, Gore, and Bush. 100,000 first printing (Description provided from

Peace, Love & Liberty

Tom Palmer, Seven Pinker, Emmanuel Martin, Et al.

September 2014 | Jameson books, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-89803-176-8

ISBN: 0898031761

There is no such thing as being 'undecided' about war. It is a binary choice. If you re not for it, you have to be against it.
The essays in this book offer evidence and arguments for peace. The writers advance peace not merely as a moral ideal or even a desirable goal, but as an eminently practical objective. Too often peace activists have thought it sufficient merely to call for peace and to denounce war, without investigating the economic, social, political, and psychological conditions of peace. They may oppose this or that war, without considering what causes wars--for example, fallacies about clashes of civilizations, economic conflict, protectionism, and the zero-sum worldview--and then addressing those causes.
Peace is not an impractical fantasy, nor is it something for which one must sacrifice prosperity or progress or freedom. In fact, peace, freedom, prosperity, and progress go hand-in-hand.
The essays in this book appeal to the mind. They are anchored in sound history, economic reality, empirical psychology, political science, and hard-headed logic, as well as art and the aesthetic imagination. If the heart is to be engaged on behalf of peace, it should be engaged through the mind (Description provided from

 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Global Issues (9th Edition)

James Harf & Mark Lombardi

October 2016 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 978-1-25-9826993

ISBN: 1259826996

The Taking Sides Collection on McGraw-Hill Create™ includes current controversial issues in a debate-style format designed to stimulate student interest and develop critical thinking skills. This Collection contains a multitude of current and classic issues to enhance and customize your course (Description provided from

The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny

William Strauss & Neil Howe

December 1997 | Three Rivers Press

ISBN: 978-0767900461

ISBN: 0-7679-0046-4

With startling originality, The Fourth Turning illuminates the past, explains the present, and reimagines the future. Most remarkably, it offers an utterly persuasive prophecy about how America’s past will predict its future (Description provided from

Diversity & Inclusion

Gender & Sexual Identity

The Prince of Los Cocuyos

Richard Blanco

September 2014 | Ecco

ISBN: 978-0-06-231376-8

ISBN: 0062313762

 Poignant, hilarious, and inspiring memoir from the first Latino and openly gay inaugural poet, which explores his coming-of-age as the child of Cuban immigrants and his attempts to understand his place in America while grappling with his burgeoning artistic and sexual identities.

Richard Blanco’s childhood and adolescence were experienced between two imaginary worlds: his parents’ nostalgic world of 1950s Cuba and his imagined America, the country he saw on reruns of The Brady Bunch and Leave it to Beaver—an “exotic” life he yearned for as much as he yearned to see “la patria.”

Navigating these worlds eventually led Blanco to question his cultural identity through words; in turn, his vision as a writer—as an artist—prompted the courage to accept himself as a gay man. In this moving, contemplative memoir, the 2013 inaugural poet traces his poignant, often hilarious, and quintessentially American coming-of-age and the people who influenced him.

A prismatic and lyrical narrative rich with the colors, sounds, smells, and textures of Miami, Richard Blanco’s personal narrative is a resonant account of how he discovered his authentic self and ultimately, a deeper understanding of what it means to be American. His is a singular yet universal story that beautifully illuminates the experience of “becoming;” how we are shaped by experiences, memories, and our complex stories: the humor, love, yearning, and tenderness that define a life (Description provided from


The Air Between Us: A Novel 

Deborah Johnson

March 2009 | Arnistad

ISBN: 978-0-06-125558-8

ISBN: 0061255580

Revere, Mississippi, with its population of "20,000 and sinking," is not unlike most Southern towns in the 1960s. Blacks live on one side of town and whites on the other. The two rarely mix. Or so everyone believes. But the truth is brought to the forefront when Critter, who is only ten, black and barely tall enough to see over the dashboard, drives Billy Ray wounded in a suspicious hunting accident to the segregated Doctor's Hospital. Dr. Cooper Connelly, the town's most high-profile resident, assures Billy Ray's family he'll be fine. He dies, however, and most people assume it is just a typical hunting accident until the sheriff orders an investigation.

Suddenly the connections between white and black are revealed to be deeper than anyone expects, which makes the town's struggle with integration that much more complicated and consuming. Dr. Connelly takes an unexpectedly progressive view toward integration; the esteemed Dr. Reese Jackson, who is so prominent that even Ebony has profiled him, tries to stay above the fray. At times, it seems the town's only distraction is the racially ambiguous Madame Melba, a fortune-teller and "voyeur" with a past.

With endearing, fully realized characters and a mystery that will keep readers guessing until the final page, The Air Between Us will keep you engrossed until the end (Description provided from 

Something Must Be Done about Prince Edward County: A Family, a Virginia Town, a Civil Rights Battle

Kristen Green

June 2015 | Harper

ISBN: 978-0-06-226867-9

ISBN: 0062268678

Combining hard-hitting investigative journalism and a sweeping family narrative, this provocative true story reveals a little-known chapter of American history: the period after the Brown v. Board of Education decision when one Virginia school system refused to integrate.

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s unanimous Brown v. Board of Education decision, Virginia’s Prince Edward County refused to obey the law. Rather than desegregate, the county closed its public schools, locking and chaining the doors. The community’s white leaders quickly established a private academy, commandeering supplies from the shuttered public schools to use in their all-white classrooms. Meanwhile, black parents had few options: keep their kids at home, move across county lines, or send them to live with relatives in other states. For five years, the schools remained closed (Description provided from

Faculty Skill Resources

Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict Resolution From the Heart

Michelle LeBaron

ISBN: 9780787948214

ISBN: 0-7879-4821-7

July 2002 | Jossey-Bass

Bridging Troubled Waters is about a robust and holistic approach to resolving conflict. It begins where much of the currently accepted theory and practice in the field leaves off. Like a hand pulling back the curtain from parts of us that have been closeted away, this book reveals ways we can use more of ourselves in addressing conflict. Moving beyond the analytic and the intellectual, it situates our efforts at bridging conflict in the very places where conflict is born--relationships. From relationships come connection, meaning, and identity. It is through awareness of connection, shared meaning, and respect for identity that conflicts are transformed (Description provided from

Building Partnerships for Service-Learning

Barbara Jacoby and Associates

ISBN: 9780787958909

ISBN: 0-7879-5890-5

February 2003 | Jossey-Bass

It is clear that service-learning has the potential to yield tremendous benefits to students, communities, and institutions of higher education. Increased student learning has been well documented. As communities gain new energy to meet their needs and greater capacity to capitalize on their assets, service-learning enables higher education to fulfill its civic responsibility. When service-learning lives up to its potential to lead colleges and universities to transform themselves into fully engaged citizens of their communities and the world, its ability to bring about positive social change is limitless.

To be successful, service-learning must be grounded in a wide range of solid, reciprocal, democratic partnerships. Building Partnerships for Service-Learning assembles leading voices in the field to bring their expertise to bear on this crucial topic. Faculty, administrators, student leaders, and community and corporate leaders will find this volume filled with vital information, exemplary models, and practical tools needed to make service-learning succeed.

Comprehensive in scope, Building Partnerships for Service-Learning includes:

  • Fundamentals and frameworks for developing sustainable partnerships
  • Assessment as a partnership-building process
  • The complex dynamics of collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs
  • Partnering with students to enhance service-learning
  • How to create campuswide infrastructure for service-learning
  • Profiles and case studies of outstanding partnerships with neighborhoods, community agencies, and K-12 schools
  • Partnerships for collaborative action research
  • Exploring the challenges and benefits of corporate and international partnerships
  • The dynamic relationship of service-learning and the civic renewal of higher education

Building Partnerships for Service-Learning is the essential guide to taking service-learning and partnerships to the next level (Description provided from

Choosing Civility: The Twenty-five Rules of Considerate Conduct

P. M. Forni

ISBN: 9780312281182

ISBN: 0-312-28118-8

February 2002 | St. Martin's Press

Most people would agree that thoughtful behavior and common decency are in short supply, or simply forgotten in hurried lives of emails, cellphones, and multi-tasking. In Choosing Civility, P. M. Forni identifies the twenty-five rules that are most essential in connecting effectively and happily with others. In clear, witty, and, well...civilized language, Forni covers topics that include:

* Think Twice Before Asking Favors
* Give Constructive Criticism
* Refrain from Idle Complaints
* Respect Others' Opinions
* Don't Shift Responsibility and Blame
* Care for Your Guests
* Accept and Give Praise

Finally, Forni provides examples of how to put each rule into practice and so make life-and the lives of others-more enjoyable, companionable, and rewarding.

Choosing Civility is a simple, practical, perfectly measured, and quietly magical handbook on the lost art of civility and compassion (Description provided from

Complex Organizations: A Critical Essay

Charles Perrow

January 1986 | McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages

ISBN: 978-0075547990

ISBN: 0-07-554799-6

This classic in organizational theory provides a succinct overview of the principal schools of thought as it presents a critical, sociopsychological, and historical orientation to the field of organizational analysis. Vividly written, with theories made concrete by specific, student-oriented examples, it takes a critical view toward organizations, analyzing their impact on individuals, groups, and society as a whole. New chapters on economic theories of organization and the conditional power theory are among the features of this revised edition (Description provided from

Developing Intercultural Awareness: A cross-cultural training handbook (2nd edition)

L. Robert Kohls and John M. Knight

ISBN: 9781877864131

ISBN: 1-877864-13-7

June 2004 | Nicholas Brealey

Developing Intercultural Awareness is a rich resource for cross-cultural training. Drawn from the authors' experience, this guide contains simulation games, case studies, icebreakers and other training activities for developing cross-cultural awareness in virtually any setting.
Robert Kohls and John Knight have mapped out one- and two-day workshops for those looking for preplanned programs, and the book's appendices include guides to simulation games, films and further readings.
In this second updated edition, new and dynamic activities have been added to the array of material already present in the book, and the authors have ensured the relevance and timeliness of these cultural activities. This easy-to-use guide is both an excellent companion to The Survival Kit for Overseas Living and an extremely valuable resource for those looking to train others or simply educate themselves in order to become more culturally aware (Description provided from

Diversity & Motivation | Culturally Responsive Teaching


Raymond J. Wlowdkowski and Margery B. Ginsberg

ISBN: 9780787967420

ISBN: 0-7879-6742-4

January 1995 | Jossey-Bass

Every day college and university faculty ask themselves the question, 'How can we become more effective teachers of a culturally diverse student body?' This book provides the most comprehensive and useful answer that I have ever read. Drawing upon years of experience and research with students from various cultural backgrounds, Wlodkowski and Ginsberg offer faculty a remarkable integration of theory and practice--full of the kinds of insights and strategies they can use today.

--Michael Nettles, professor, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan

Raymond J. Wlodkowski and Margery B. Ginsberg combine their respective expertise in motivation and multiculturalism to go beyond the usual rhetoric on promoting diversity, offering real-world guidance and suggestions for successful teaching in today's changing classroom environment (Description provided from 

Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning

Barbara L. Cambridge

ISBN: 9781563770500

ISBN: 1-56377-050-4

January 2001 | Stylus Publishing, LLC.

The portfolio is a powerful tool for learning and assessment. Introducing the electronic into the mix increases its power, especially through the key feature of interactive hyperlinks and the potential to promote continuous reflection on, and updating of, learning. This introduction examines the potential of electronic portfolios by addressing: rationales for creating an electronic portfolio; possible features of the portfolio; examples of current practice; cautions; and recommendations. Chapters by nineteen portfolio practitioners from a range of disciplines and institutions describe the construction and use of electronic portfolios. They describe the uses:
* By students to display and reflect on work for a specific course or program
* By faculty to document and reflect on their classroom practice and allow comment by colleagues or others
* By institutions to demonstrate accountability to their stakeholders and as a vehicle for institution-wide reflection, learning, and improvement. The section on institutional portfolios includes chapters on the incorporation of institutional research and data, and the potential role for such portfolios in accreditation.
Section editors: Susan Kahn, Daniel P Tompkins, and Kathleen Blake Yancey (Description provided from

Improving Higher Education Environments for Adults: Responsive Programs and Services from Entry to Departure (Jossey Bass Higher & Adult Education Series)

Nancy K. Schlossberg, Ann Q. Lynch, and Arthur W. Chickering

ISBN: 9781555421366

ISBN: 1-55542-136-9

January 1989 | Jossey-Bass

Improving Higher Education Environments for Adults uses numerous real-life vignettes to examine the changing needs of adult learners as they move through the higher education system, and it suggests ways student development professionals and other educators can make higher education more responsive to these needs (Description provided from

Integrity Management: A Guide to Managing Legal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace

Debbie Thorne LeClair, O.C. Ferrell, John P. Fraedrich

ISBN: 9781879852556

ISBN: 1-879852-55-1

September 1997 | O'Collins Corp

Offers insights into definitions, issues, and frameworks useful for understanding the various factors that influence ethical and legal decision making in an organization. Ten chapters discuss ways to help employees identify the issues; creating an organizational culture of integrity; complying with the federal sentencing guidelines; improving codes of conduct, training, and evaluating program effectiveness; managing integrity in a global economy; building the good citizen organization; and how to benefit from best practices in workplace integrity. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or (Description provided from

Student Development in College | Theory, Research, and Practice

Nancy J. Evans, Deanna S. Forney, and Florence Guido-DiBrito

ISBN: 9780787978094

ISBN: 0787978094

December 2009 | Jossey-Bass

The second edition of Student Development in College offers higher education professionals a clear understanding of the developmental challenges facing today's college students. Thoroughly revised and updated, this edition includes new integrative theories of student development, expanded coverage of social identity theories, a targeted focus on higher education-related research, a current review of student development research and application, and reconceptualization of typology theories as a way to understand individual differences (Description provided from

Teaching College in an Age of Accountability

Richard Lyons, Meggin McIntosh & Marcella Kysilka

January 2003 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0205353156

ISBN: 0205-35315-0

This book provides professors with the insights and tools necessary to achieve higher levels on accountability assessment outcomes while preparing students for enhancing their own career success in a more complex future. In recent years, many initiatives have been implemented by a number of state legislatures and boards of trustees to increase “institutional effectiveness.” These measures have made colleges and universities aware that practices once accepted as sacrosanct within the culture will, from this time forward, be assessed regularly for their contribution to achieving more accountable outcomes. This book equips professors to address outcome goals in a proactive manner (Description provided from

The Art and Politics of College Teaching: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Professor (2nd Edition)

Karl Hostetler, R. McLaran Sawyer & Keith Prichard

April 2001 | Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers

ISBN: 978-0820452043

ISBN: 0-8204-5204-1

In their programs, doctoral students learn their academic discipline. Less frequently are they taught how to be professors. New professors may have little if any knowledge about the different sorts of academic institutions in which they might obtain positions, the steps to be taken to secure a good job and be successful in it, and the legal and ethical dimensions of college teaching. This book offers graduate students and new professors some practical advice about how to negotiate their way through these often complicated issues. The book is written in essay style and presents the candid views of a number of new and experienced faculty members and administrators from across the United States (Description provided from

The Essential College Professor: A practical guide to an academic career

Jeffrey L. Buller

Publication Year 2010 |

ISBN: 978-0-470-37373-6

ISBN: 0470373733

December 2009 | Jossey-Bass

he Essential College Professor is about the "how" and "why" of being a faculty member today. Based on the author's series of highly successful faculty development workshops, each chapter deals concisely with the most important information college professors need at their fingertips when confronted by a particular challenge or faced with an exciting opportunity. Written both as a comprehensive guide to an academic career and as a ready reference to be consulted whenever needed, The Essential College Professor emphasizes proven solutions over untested theories and stresses what faculty members have to know now in order to be successful in their careers.

Each chapter is concluded by a short exercise that faculty members can perform to help them, for instance, completely revise a course by restructuring the syllabus and course materials, bring new life to a research project by reframing it as a book proposal or grant application, and so on (Description provided from

The Mentors Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships (2nd Edition)

Lois J. Zachary

ISBN: 978-0-470-90772-6

ISBN: 047090772X

October 2011 | Jossey-Bass

Thoughtful and rich with advice, The Mentor's Guide explores the critical process of mentoring and presents practical tools for facilitating the experience from beginning to end. Managers, teachers, and leaders from any career, professional, or educational setting can successfully navigate the learning journey by using the hands-on exercises in this unique resource (Description provided from

Financial Literacy

Bedford/St. Martin's Insider's Guide to Credit Cards 

March 2013 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1457653827

ISBN: 1457653826

Dollars and Sense: How we Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter

Jeff Kreisler & Dan Ariely

November 2017 | Harper

ISBN # 978-0-06-265120-4

ISBN # 006265120X

We think of money as numbers, values, and amounts, but when it comes down to it, when we actually use our money, we engage our hearts more than our heads. Emotions play a powerful role in shaping our financial behavior, often making us our own worst enemies as we try to save, access value, and spend responsibly. In Dollars and Sense, bestselling author and behavioral economist Dan Ariely teams up with financial comedian and writer Jeff Kreisler to challenge many of our most basic assumptions about the precarious relationship between our brains and our money. In doing so, they undermine many of personal finance’s most sacred beliefs and explain how we can override some of our own instincts to make better financial choices.

Exploring a wide range of everyday topics—from the lure of pain-free spending with credit cards to the  pitfalls of household budgeting to the seductive power of holiday sales—Ariely and Kreisler demonstrate how our misplaced confidence in our spending habits frequently leads us astray, costing us more than we realize, whether it’s the real value of the time we spend driving forty-five minutes to save $10 or our inability to properly assess what the things we buy are actually worth. Together Ariely and Kreisler reveal the emotional forces working against us and how we can counteract them. Mixing case studies and anecdotes with concrete advice and lessons, they cut through the unconscious fears and desires driving our worst financial instincts and teach us how to improve our money habits.

The result not only reveals the rationale behind our most head-scratching financial choices but also offers clear guidance for navigating the treacherous financial landscape of the brain. Fascinating, engaging, funny, and essential, Dollars and Sense provides the practical tools we need to understand and improve our financial choices, save and spend smarter, and ultimately live better (Description from

Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner, 

January 2005 | William Morrow

ISBN: 978-0-06-123400-2

ISBN: 0713998067

Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? Which should be feared more: snakes or french fries? Why do sumo wrestlers cheat? In this groundbreaking book, leading economist Steven Levitt—Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and winner of the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clark medal for the economist under 40 who has made the greatest contribution to the discipline—reveals that the answers. Joined by acclaimed author and podcast host Stephen J. Dubner, Levitt presents a brilliant—and brilliantly entertaining—account of how incentives of the most hidden sort drive behavior in ways that turn conventional wisdom on its head (Description provided from

Happy Money the Science of Happier Spending

Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton

May 2014 | Simon & Schuster

ISBN # 978-1-4516-6507-9

ISBN # 1451665075

Two professors combine their fascinating and cutting-edge research in behavioral science to explain how money can buy happiness—if you follow five core principles of smart spending.

Most people recognize that they need professional advice on how to earn, save, and invest their money. When it comes to spending that money, most people just follow their intuitions. But scientific research shows that those intuitions are often wrong.

Happy Money offers a tour of research on the science of spending, explaining how you can get more happiness for your money. Authors Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton have outlined five principles—from choosing experiences over stuff to spending money on others—to guide not only individuals looking for financial security, but also companies seeking to create happier employees and provide “happier products” to their customers. Dunn and Norton show how companies from Google to Pepsi to Charmin have put these ideas into action.

Along the way, Dunn and Norton explore fascinating research that reveals that luxury cars often provide no more pleasure than economy models, that commercials can actually enhance the enjoyment of watching television, and that residents of many cities frequently miss out on inexpensive pleasures in their hometowns. By the end of this “lively and engaging book” (Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness), you’ll be asking yourself one simple question every time you reach for your wallet: Am I getting the biggest happiness bang for my buck? (Description from


Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security

Jean Chatzky, 

March 2012 | Rodale Books

ISBN # 978-1-60961-860-5

ISBN # 1609618602

A powerfully simple, must-have manifesto on money with more than 90 wealth-building rules from the Today show's finance guru.

In a time of great financial uncertainty, this is the book everyone must read. The bottom line: Money is simple-people make it complicated. Now, bestselling personal finance author Jean Chatzky has distilled this simplicity into a smart, immediate, and entertaining set of rules that will change readers' financial lives.

Chatzky removes the stress associated with all things money and says it clearly: Readers who follow these basic yet crucial approaches to spending, saving, investing, increasing their income, and most importantly, protecting what they have, will build the wealth and financial stability they've been dreaming of. Chatzky's advice is reassuring, straightforward, and often counterintuitive, including:

- Date your stocks; don't marry them.
- 'More money' won't always make you 'more happy.'
- To spend less, carry Benjamins, not Jacksons.
- If you can't explain it, don't invest in it.
- 'Free' can be very expensive.

Written in her trademark warm, witty voice, and with a special Dos and Don'ts section, Money Rules is the only book readers really need to achieve true financial health and happiness (Description from

The Index Card Why Personal Finance Doesn't Have to be Complicated

Helaine Olen & Harold Pollack

March 2017 | Portfolio

ISBN # 978-0-14313-052-9

ISBN # 0143130528

TV analysts and money managers would have you believe your finances are enormously complicated, and if you don’t follow their guidance, you’ll end up in the poorhouse.
They’re wrong.
When University of Chicago professor Harold Pollack interviewed Helaine Olen, an award-winning financial journalist and the author of the bestselling Pound Foolish, he made an off­hand suggestion: everything you need to know about managing your money could fit on an index card. To prove his point, he grabbed a 4" x 6" card, scribbled down a list of rules, and posted a picture of the card online. The post went viral.
Now, Pollack teams up with Olen to explain why the ten simple rules of the index card outperform more complicated financial strategies. Inside is an easy-to-follow action plan that works in good times and bad, giving you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to seize control of your financial life (Description from

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's wealthy

Thomas Stanley & William Danko

January 1998 | HarperCollins Publishers

ISBN # 978-1-58979-547-1

ISBN # 0732267536

The incredible national bestseller that is changing people's lives -- and increasing their net worth!


Who are the rich in this country?

What do they do?

Where do they shop?

What do they drive?

How do they invest?

Where did their ancestors come from?

How did they get rich?

Can I ever become one of them?

Get the answers in The Millionaire Next Door, the never-before-told story about wealth in America. You'll be surprised at what you find out.... (Description from

Zero Debt The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

October 2016 | Advantage World Press

ISBN # 978-1-932450-70-5

ISBN # 193245070X

Eight out of 10 Americans owe some form of debt. So there’s a good chance that you, or someone you know, would like to become debt free. From excessive credit card bills and mounting student loans to hefty car payments and big mortgages, debt can be crippling – and not just financially.

Debt takes a toll on you in many ways. It hurts your ability to save, invest and create a better life. It impacts your physical, mental and emotional health. Too much debt even spoils relationships, leading to arguments about money and divorce.

Whether you recently got into debt due to circumstances beyond your control, or your own poor choices have kept you in debt for as long as you can remember, know this: Debt does not have to remain a way of life. Regardless of your situation, you can get on the road to financial freedom – and you can do it yourself in the next 30 days!

If you want to dig yourself out of debt once and for all, you need an action plan. This book is your step-by-step, 30-day plan to jumpstart your finances. It’s simple. It’s easy to understand. And it works.

Zero Debt teaches you the exact strategies the author used to pay off $100,000 worth of credit card bills in just three years – without ever missing a single payment. If she can do it, so can you!

In this revised and completely updated version of Zero Debt, you’ll discover:


  • The best ways to pay off credit card debts (spoiler: it’s not what 99% of experts tell you)
  • How to eliminate your student loans and reduce auto loans
  • Spending and budgeting tips anyone can use – even shopaholics
  • Insider secrets to negotiating with credit card companies and fixing your credit
  • Your legal rights – and what bill collectors can and can not do under the law
  • Recommendations for reputable debt management firms and credit counselors
  • How to shore up your overall finances so you never go back into debt again

Wouldn’t you like to be free from financial worries? Don’t you want to rest at night knowing your bills are paid? You can have peace of mind when it comes to money matters. It all starts by eliminating excessive debt, and using time-tested strategies to save your hard-earned cash (Description from

First-Year College Success

100% Student Success

Amy Solomon, Lori Tyler, & Terry Taylor

October 2006 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-4180-1630-2

ISBN: 1418016306

The new 100% Success Series is directed at the development of professional skills and characteristics that begin in college and extend through the job search and into the lifelong learning environment of the workplace. The Success Series includes three books: 100% Student Success, 100% Job Success, and 100% Career Success, as well as a variety of interactive support materials in both print and electronic formats. Supplements for this series include a Portfolio Workbook that starts as a Learning Portfolio during the first section (100% Student Success), is expanded to a Professional Portfolio to assist in the job search (100% Job Success). Finally, the Portfolio Workbook can be used as a launching point for an ongoing Professional Portfolio (100% Career Success) that can be continuously revised as readers enter into and continue in their careers. All materials are developed to work seamlessly as an extended learning tool or can be used in part to support more short-term learning objectives. Content applies to developing general professional traits or can be applied to specific fields. The program is built on the premise that development of learning skills and professional skills takes time and feedback beyond one or two college courses. It is a complete program that will take readers through their education into their successful, professional lives (Description provided from

A Pocket Guide to College Success (2nd Edition)

Jamie Shushan

November 2016 | Beford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-03089-6

ISBN: 1319030890

Get practical advice in a concise guide as Pocket Guide to College Success prepares you for your college career -- from the very first day to graduation and beyond -- by focusing on key issues such as motivation and goal setting (Description provided from

Academic Transformation: The Road to College Success

De Sellers, Carol Dochen, & Russ Hodges

May 2010 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-13-700756-1

ISBN: 0137007566

The latest research on cognitive theory paired with readable and practical lessons on study skills to create a balanced approach to learning strategies. Academically rigorous yet engaging and practical, Academic Transformation successfully balances cognitive theory and research with realistic and proven skills that readers can deftly apply to their college careers. Utilizing a narrative tone, eye-catching design, and plentiful real-life examples, this text bestows students with life lessons covering the subjects of motivation, procrastination, time management, stress management, and behavior redirection all while giving readers a solid understanding of why certain strategies lead to goal achievement. The new second edition has been restructured and revised based on intensive feedback from college and university faculty members (Description provided from

Choices for College Success (2nd Edition)

Steve Piscitelli

June 2010 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-13-700751-6

ISBN: 0137007515

Each chapter and every activity demonstrates how responsible decision-making and follow-through put potential and ambition into action. Potential is the ability ; ambition is the desire ; and initiative is the doing. It demonstrates how organized action enhances academic success and helps create a healthy and balanced life.  As one reviewer stated, “The text tells the reader WHAT they need to know and HOW they need to do it.” Core changes to this edition include a pre- and post assessment, new financial management chapter, revised and enhance information literacy coverage, and test taking is expanded to two chapters (prep and performance) (Description provided from

Cornerstones for colleges Success (7th Edition)

Robert M. Sherfield & Patricia G. Moody 

January 2013 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-321-86047-7

ISBN: 0321860470

Cornerstones for College Success is known for its' concrete and practical strategies that students can apply to all college classes, the world of work, and life in general, and addresses the "why" of learning and the power of positive change. Offers hallmark coverage of Bloom's taxonomy, SQ3R integration, Information and Financial literacy. Major defining topics include first generation students, adult learners, making successful transitions, and planning for success in the second year and beyond. The ancillary materials are designed to assist instructors in delivering a top-level student success course (Description provided from

Create Success

John Doyle

June 2012 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 978-0-07-337513-7

ISBN: 0073375136

Research shows the best chance a student has at success and persistence in college is to get involved and engaged with the school within 30 days of orientation through relationships, whether with an instructor, staff, or other students. Create Success provides students and instructors with the tools needed to foster these relationships. With agile social learning, instructors can immediately facilitate an active and engaged classroom environment and help students create connections with each other and the school community (Decided provided from

Inspiring Teaching Carnegie Professors of the Year Speak

John Roth

August 1996 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN: 1-882982-14-2

ISBN: 1882982142

In a time when society and student bodies are growing increasingly diverse, and new information technologies continue to be introduced to higher education, teaching and learning has become ever more challenging—and important. A fascinating collection of essays written by 19 Carnegie Professors of the Year from colleges and universities across the United States and Canad, Inspiring Teaching affirms the scholarship of teaching by recognizing and encouraging excellence in teaching (Description provided from

Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills (6th Edition)

Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, & Sarah Kravitis

January 2008 | Prentice Hall

ISBN: 978-0-13-600504-9

ISBN: 0136005047

The Keys message is simple –When students understand how material will help them get where they want to go, they will become more motivated and able to retain what they learn. Because this text shows readers how what helps them succeed in college will also serve them on the job and in life, Keys to Success, appeals to every age (traditional and older) and stage (full-time, part-time, working, parenting) of student (Description provided from

Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills (5th Edition)

Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, & Sarah Kravitis

February 2008 | Prentice Hall

ISBN: 978-0-13-512846-6

ISBN: 0135128463

The Keys message is simple — When students understand how material will help them get where they want to go, they will become more motivated and able to retain what they learn. Because this text shows readers how what helps them succeed in colllege will also serve them on the job and in life, Keys to Success, appeals to every age (traditional and older) and stage (full-time, part-time, working, parenting) of student (Description provided from

Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills (6th Edition)

Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, & Sarah Kravitis

January 2011 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-13-707355-9

ISBN: 0137073550

Keys to Success Brief unlocks every student's potential to succeed in college, career, and life by challenging them to realize, "It’s not just what you know€¦it’s what you know how to do." Students will develop their goal-setting abilities by personalizing ";best practice"; tools and strategies for all topics covered. Keys’ focuses on building analytical, creative, and practical thinking skills. This ";thinking skills"; framework challenges students of all levels to question, evaluate, innovate, relate, and follow through - which is critical in class AND highly valued in a competitive 21st century workplace where one must maximize strengths and bolster weaknesses. When students build the skills that will help them get where they want to go in college and beyond, they will be more motivated to retain (Description provided from

Keys to Success Building Analytical, Creative, and Practical Skills

Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, & Sarah Kravitis

January  2012 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-13-707377-1

ISBN: 0137073771

Keys to Success Quick College Career Life

Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, & Sarah Kravitis

January 2011 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-13-254171-8

ISBN: 0132541718

Keys to Success Quick offers the hallmark of the Keys to Success series — success in College, Career, and Life through building analytical, creative, and practical thinking skills. This “thinking skills” framework challenges students - but with a ‘less is more’ approach.  Keys Quick will help students develop and personalize “best practice” tools, build skills in context of each topic, and gain self-knowledge via "Quick Check" self-assessments (Description provided from

IDentity Series: Now You're Thinking About College

Judy Chartrand, Stewart Emery, & Russ Hall

December 2011 | Pearson

ISBN: 978-0-13-282574-0

ISBN: 0132825740

Students will learn about critical thinking, assess their thinking style, and identify how to improve thinking. Good critical thinking skills are required for success in college, as well as career.  Students will learn to think more clearly, study more effectively, and make better decisions.  Practical examples, tips, and a personal My Thinking Styles assessment help them understand critical thinking and know how to apply it in day-to-day life (Description provided from

Navigating the First College year A Guide for Parents and Families

Richard Mullendore & Leslie Banahan

Publication Year 2014 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

ISBN: 978-1-889271-91-0

ISBN: 1889271918

On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life (7th Edition)

Skip Downing

January 2013 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-133-30973-4

ISBN: 1133309739

ON COURSE: STRATEGIES FOR CREATING SUCCESS IN COLLEGE AND IN LIFE empowers students with the tools they need to take charge of their academic and lifelong success. Through distinctive guided journal entries, Skip Downing encourages students to explore and develop their personal responsibility, self-motivation, interdependence, and self-esteem, and to make wise choices that create successful results. "Wise Choices in College" sections in each chapter help students develop the study skills they need to excel in their other courses. The 7th edition features expanded coverage of diversity, emphasizing the many ways in which people are different and how these differences often influence the choices they make. Other new topics include a discussion of academic integrity, how to thrive in the college culture, and a research-based section on the importance of developing a growth mindset (Description provided from

On Course: 7th Annotated Instructor Edition 


Skip Downing

January 2014 | Wadsworth

ISBN: 978-1-133-60683-3

ISBN: 1133606830

Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond

Sharon Farrett

January 2017 |  McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 978-1259702761

ISBN: 1259702766

This is a revision ten editions in the making! We pulled out all the stops to commemorate ten editions of teaching students how to reach their peak performance and succeed in school and life.

Peak Performance delivers the essential tools for managing time and resources by showing students how to:

  • Empower themselves to feel that they belong in college and that the tools for success are all around them
  • Learn how habits work and how to replace counter-productive habits with positive habits that will help them in college and beyond
  • Learn to integrate all learning styles for maximum success
  • Learn how to seek out support and resources on campus for challenges new students face, and remain persistent in pursuit of their goals
  • Relate what they are exploring now to future success on the job
  • Strive to cultivate the qualities, habits, and skills of peak performers

P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life

Robert Feldman

October 1999 | Mcgraw-Hill College

ISBN: 9780073655055

ISBN: 0-07-365505-8

Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, and Rethink -- that's what P.O.W.E.R. stands for, and that's exactly how this text was developed as well. Forged by the most extensive pre-publication development program of any text available for the first-year college experience course -- involving hundreds of instructors and students -- this text offers exciting new framework that maximizes students' potential for success in college and in life. Using the simple, class-tested principles of the P.O.W.E.R system, students gain a sense of mastery and achievement as they move through the text, and with the growth of their confidence comes the increased intellectual enthusiasm and personal discipline needed for them to excel (Description provided from 

P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life

Robert Feldman

December | Career Education

ISBN: 9780073330426

ISBN: 0-07-333042-6

P.O.W.E.R Learning and Your Life: Essentials of Student Success (First Edition - Teacher's Edition)

Robert Feldman

January 2011 | Mcgraw hill

ISBN: 9780077375393

ISBN # 0-07-737539-4

This text, in consideration of its nature, is most likely ideal for scholarly individuals--students and especially instructors, of any kind, in particular. From personal investigation on the Internet, it seems online reviews, regarding the quality of the read, have proven fair and favorable, chiefly about its helpfulness oriented toward those seeking to better prevail, direct, and/or instruct a course utilizing the text this manual purposely accompanies (Description provided from

P.O.W.E.R. Learning and Your Life: Essentials of Student Success

Robert Feldman

January 2016 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 9780077842178

ISBN: 0-07-784217-0

P.O.W.E.R. Learning is the only research-based series with a unifying system for critical thinking and problem solving. P.O.W.E.R. Learning and Your Life uses this framework to maximize students potential for success in college and life by addressing a diverse student population with real-world examples and applications in the context of their career. Using the scientifically-based, yet simple and class-tested principles of the P.O.W.E.R. (Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, and Rethink) system, students gain a sense of mastery and achievement; with the growth of their confidence comes the increased intellectual enthusiasm and personal discipline needed for them to excel.

P.O.W.E.R. Learning and Your Life is the only student success text created for the non-residential, commuter student and campus. These students face unique challenges and as they typically work and juggle family obligations with school. They may be the first in their families attempting a post-secondary education (Description provided from

P.O.W.E.R Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life (7th Edition)

Robert Feldman

January 2016 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 9780077842154

ISBN: 0-07-784215-4

P.O.W.E.R. Learning is the only research-based student success series with a unifying system for critical thinking and problem solving. P.O.W.E.R. Learning maximizes students' potential for success in college and in life. Using the scientifically-based, yet simple and class-tested principles of the P.O.W.E.R. (Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, and Rethink) system, students gain a sense of mastery and achievement as they move through the text; with the growth of their confidence comes the increased intellectual enthusiasm and personal discipline needed for them to excel (Description provided from

Power Learning Strategies for Success in College and Life 

Robert Feldman

January 2016 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 978-1-259-70154-2

ISBN: 0077842154

Rhythms of College Success: A Journey of Discovery, Change, and Mastery

Steve Piscitelli

January 2007 | Prentice Hall

ISBN: 978-0132386401

ISBN: 0-13-238640-2

Rhythms of College Success: A Journey of Discovery, Change and Mastery embraces the power of personal choice and addresses the (sometimes) competing needs of first-year students. Using a universal theme of music, the book offers memorable messages that show how respect, responsibility, reflection, and renewal can fuel student success. Throughout the text, readers are introduced to the 4R’s and how these, along with change and life balance impact one’s future and one’s success. More than 100 activities, 75 figures and innovative part openers keep students engaged and help them on their own journey of discovery, change and mastery (Description provided from

Roadways to Success

James Williamson, Debra McCandrew, & Charles Muse

April 2006 | Prentice Hall

ISBN: 978-0131712102

ISBN: 0-13-171210-1

Roadways to Success, 4th Edition, moves study skills to a new level €” first it uncovers the skills essential to better classroom performance, and then reveals how to use them to positively impact one’s own academic and career success. KET TOPICS: Students learn how to understand what the professor wants, identify time-management strengths, overcome obstacles to listening, use successful studying techniques, tackle test anxiety, and more. They also discover how health and wellness can improve the chance for academic success, as well as understand why research and planning helps make career decisions easier, and ultimately better. This revision includes new critical thinking exercises, an integrated case study, and a new chapter on diversity. It offers solid coverage of technology, strong applications and new ways for college students to reach their academic potential. College orientation and students (Description provided from

Student Success in College: Doing What Works!

Christine Harrington

January 2019 | Cengage Education

ISBN: 978-1-337-40623-9

ISBN: 1337406236

Success in College 
Peter Burns

Publication Year 2006 | Rowman & Littlefield Education

ISBN # 978-1-57886-459-1

ISBN: 1578864593

Success in College provides essential information and advice that students need to better learn more and receive higher grades. It offers strategies for test- and note-taking, studying, writing papers, and making class schedules. Peter F. Burns also gives an insider's perspective to the academic semester, in-class behavior, and how and when to approach professors. Perhaps most importantly, there is invaluable advice about the attitude and work ethic that are essential to the development of outstanding college students.

Burns uses his own college experiences, as well as the experiences of other students and professors and research findings, to supplement the material given. The impact of Success in College will last a lifetime. High school seniors, college students, and parents will welcome this humorous and thought-provoking work (Description provided from

Teaching College Freshman (Jossey Bass Higher & Adult Education Series)

Bette Erickson, & Diane Strommer

February 1991 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN # 1-55542-310-8

ISBN: 1555423108

Gives new and veteran faculty practical guidance on how to most effectively teach and create academic support systems for college students in their first, most critical year. Describes how to design a useful syllabus, how to develop productive out-of-class assignments, how to enhance class participation through creative techniques, and how to evaluate student learning for better insights (Description provided from

The University of Tampa College Orientation 2015-2016

ISBN # 978-1-323-10681-5

ISBN: 1323106812

The First-Year Seminar Designing, Implementing, and Assessing Courses to Support Student Learning and Success

James Groccia, & Mary Hunter

May 2012 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience

ISBN: 978-1-889271-76-7

ISBN: 1889271764

Guided by an understanding of adult development, the authors suggest strategies for designing and presenting a comprehensive faculty development program in support of the first-year seminar. Chapters focus on the organization of one-shot and ongoing development efforts, content for training programs, evaluation as a development activity, and strategies for recruiting and maintaining a dedicated instructor team. While focused on the first-year seminar, the volume offers useful insight for anyone charged with designing faculty development initiatives for first-year instructors (Description provided from

The Essential College Experience with Readings (6th Edition)

John Gardner, & Jerome Jewler

May 2005 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 0-534-59397-6

ISBN: 0534593976

Introducing the essentials concepts of college success and complimenting them with short readings, the goal of this book is to offer the student the opportunity to evaluate information, think critically and engage in thoughtful debate about the combination of text/readings. Using the best selling and well-respected material of Gardner/Jewler, the authors have pared down the essential material and core concepts. One or two short readings and numerous discussion questions complete each short chapter (Description provided from

The College Experience Impact

Amy Baldwin, Brian Tietje, & Paul Stoltz

January 2015 | Pearson

ISBN: 0-321-98002-6

ISBN: 0321980026

 incorporates the GRIT framework, supplying learners with powerful success strategies and tools for college completion and career success—get in, get through, get out, and get paid. The authors recognize that understanding what it takes to succeed in college is one thing, but having the personal GRIT to make it happen is what makes the difference. Framed in a practical, situational manner, the book helps students navigate what to do, when do it, and where to go for support. It provides scientifically grounded yet practical tips and tools students need to grow greater GRIT, which research shows as the most powerful predictor of success in school and beyond. Students ‘Get in, Get through’ using a firm foundation of distinctive features to stay in, and get through, college with academic, social, and transitional skills. In order to ‘Get out, Get paid’ it equips students with a blend of professional and GRIT-based mindset required to successfully graduate and enter a career that fulfills their educational and personal goals (Description provided from

The Pocket Guide to College Success (3rd Edition)

Jamie Shushan

October 2019 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-20076-3

ISBN: 1319200761

The Pocket Guide to College Success provides straightforward and easily consumable coverage on all the topics typically found in a full-size college success text in a handy, affordable, highly-customizable format. Chapters on academic skills like time management, academic planning, and note-taking get students ready for success in class, while life skills like goal-setting, money management, and interpersonal communication help them throughout their entire collegiate experience and beyond. Perfect for use as a self-directed student reference outside of a first-year course (or where there is no such course), Pocket is also a full-course solution, available with a robust instructor’s manual and suite of digital resources to empower your first-year program (Description provided from

Your College Experience Strategies for Success (10th Edition)

John Gardner, Betsy Barefoot

January 2012 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-4576-0382-2

ISBN: 1457603829

Your Blueprint for Success Orientation to College Life and Culture (2nd Custom Edition)

Georgia State University

January 2008 | Pearson Custom

ISBN # 978-0-555-04514-5

ISBN: 0555045145

Your Guide to College Success Strategies for Achieving Your Goals (5th Edition)

John Santrock, Jane Halonen

January 2008 | Thomas Wadsworth

ISBN: 978-1-4130-3262-8

ISBN: 1413032621

Effective strategies and resources for effective college success courses. Whether your students are fresh out of high school or returning students, Santrock and Halonen's Six Strategies for Success model can help your freshman seminar be the most rewarding ever (Description provided from

Instructor's Manual and Test Bank for Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals, 5th Edition

December 2008 | Thomson

John Santrock, Jane Halonen

ISBN: 978-1-4130-3261-1

ISBN: 1413032613

Your College Experience Strategies for Success (7th Edition)

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

January 2006 | Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc

ISBN: 1-4130-2072-0

ISBN: 1413020720

What would happen if you had the skills needed to be successful in college? You would be proud of yourself if you had the knowledge and the skills to make yourself one of the top students. Life would be more manageable and less stressful and your college experience much more satisfying (Description provided from

Your College Experience Strategies for Success (7th Edition)

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

December 2008 | Cengage Learning

ISBN: 978-1-4282-0515-4

ISBN: 1428205152

Your College Experience Strategies for Success (9th Edition)

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

January 2010 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-0-312-68774-8

ISBN: 0312687745

Written by the leading authorities on the first-year seminar and grounded in research, Your College Experience offers students practical help in making the transition to college and getting the most out of their time there. Speaking with evident respect for students at all kinds of institutions, with all kinds of learning styles, and with all kinds of backgrounds, the authors ask them to consider their own goals, and their purposes for being in college. Particularly relevant to today’s students, a new Money chapter discusses managing money, building credit, and financing college. A new chapter on Emotional Intelligence helps students recognize their own strengths and weaknesses so they can understand themselves better and direct their own path. A fresh, clean new design eliminates clutter so that students can focus on the important topics (Description provided from

Your College Experience Strategies for Success

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

December 2011 | Bedford Books

ISBN: 978-0-312-63799-6

ISBN: 0312637993

Your College Experience Strategies for Success (8th Edition)

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

January 2008 | Bedford/St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1413-03377-9

ISBN: 1413033776

This thoroughly updated edition of a pioneering classic combines proven material on timeless issues such as learning strategies, critical thinking, time management, relationships, and personal health with new information on cutting-edge trends, topics, and technology important to today's students. The text reflects a stronger focus on purpose, life planning, and practical career preparation, as well as integrated coverage of current technology. Each chapter includes a new portfolio component that combines these themes by encouraging you to electronically document your ideas and achievements, giving you practical computer experience while creating a valuable record to share with future employers. Real-life student profiles and abundant, engaging writing prompts help you to understand your own experiences in a broader context, while lists of relevant resources, on campus and online, offer support to help you deal with challenges and ultimately succeed in college (Description provided from

Your College Experience Strategies for Success

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, Betsy Barefoot

December 2011 | Bedford Books

ISBN: 978-0-312-63799-6

ISBN: 0312637993

Your College Experience Strategies for Success (13th Edition)

John Gardner, Betsy Barefoot

October 2017 | Bedford St. Martin's

ISBN: 978-1-319-06931-6

ISBN: 1319068308

Make the most out of your first year in college with the academic and personal strategies critical to college success contained in Your College Experience (Description provided from

Your College Experience Strategies for Success

John Gardner, & Jerome Jewler

2006 | Thomson Wadsworth

ISBN: 9781413030754

ISBN: 141303530750

The strategies for your students' academic and personal success in college are all outlined and applicable in this new Concise Seventh Edition of YOUR COLLEGE SUCCESS: STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS. Gardner, Jewler, and Barefoot outline everything today's students need to learn to take charge of their learning; sharpen their skills in note taking, reading, memory, writing, and test-taking; enhance social relationships; get to know themselves better by exploring their values; learn vital information about staying healthy; connect to information on career planning; and more! Gardner and Jewler along with new co-author Betsy Barefoot have updated and added new research materials throughout, and worked to streamline the text (Description provided from

Inspiration & Motivation

Common Fire: Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World

Laurent Daloz, Cheryl Keen, & James Keen

July 1997 | Beacon Press

ISBN: 9780807020050

ISBN: 0-8070-2005-2

From Disability to Diversity: College Success for Students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lynne Shea, Linda Hecker, & Adam Lalor

February 2019 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience

ISBN: 978-1942072294

ISBN: 1942072295

Colleges and universities are seeing increasing numbers of students with a range of disabilities enrolling in postsecondary education. Many of these disabilities are invisible and, despite their potential for negative impact on students’ academic and social adjustment, some students will choose not to identify as having a disability or request support.

Approaching disability from the perspective of difference, the authors of this new volume offer guidance on creating more inclusive learning environments on campus so that all students―whether or not they have a recognized disability―have the opportunity to succeed. Strategies for supporting students with specific learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder or who display learning and behavioral characteristics associated with these profiles are described. A valuable resource for instructors, advisors, academic support personnel, and others who work directly with college students (Description provided from

How to Succeed in College (And Life)

Daniel Lerner, Alan Schlechter

April 2017 | Little, Brown Spark

ISBN: 978-0-316-31161-8

ISBN: 0316311618

Every year, almost 4,000,000 students begin their freshman year at colleges and universities nationwide. Most of them will sleep less and stress out a whole lot more. By the end of the year, 30% of those freshmen will have dropped out. For many, the unforeseen demands of college life are so overwhelming that "the best four years of your life" can start to feel like the worst.

Enter Daniel Lerner and Dr. Alan Schlechter, ready to teach students how to not only survive college, but flourish in it. Filled with fascinating science, real-life stories, and tips for building positive lifelong habits, U Thrive addresses the opportunities and challenges every undergrad will face -- from finding a passion to dealing with nightmarish roommates and surviving finals week. Engaging and hilarious, U Thrive will help students grow into the happy, successful alums they all deserve to be (Description provided from

Lessons from the Road: Inspirational Insights By Leading Speakers in Education

Leading Speakers in Education

January 2007 | Zing Leadership Development

ISBN: 978-0-9792134-0-3

ISBN: 0979213401

America's leading speakers in youth and higher education on such topics as: determination, life, love, relationships, success, and wisdom. Their advise is offered as strategies, tips, poems and personal stories - all with the hope of helping you achieve what you want out of life (Description provided from

Living a Life that Matters

Harold Kushner

August 2002 | Anchor

ISBN: 978-0385720946

ISBN: 0-385-72094-7

In this bestselling work of spiritual advice, the beloved author shows how even our smallest daily actions can become stepping steps toward integrity.

Drawing on the stories of his own congregants, on literature, current events and, above all, on the Biblical story of Jacob (the worldly trickster who evolves into a man of God), Rabbi Harold S. Kushner—author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People—addresses some of the most persistent dilemmas of the human condition: Why do decent people so often violate their moral standards? How can we pursue justice without giving in to the lure of revenge? How can we turn our relationships with family and friends into genuine sources of meaning? Persuasive and sympathetic, filled with humanity and warmth, Living a Life That Matters is a deeply rewarding book (Description provided from


Moral Action in Young Adulthood

Ralph Mosher, David Connor, & Katherine Kalliel

December 1999 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience 

ISBN: 1889271268

ISBN: 1-889271-26-8

Psychology of Success: Finding Meaning in Work and Life (5th Edition)

Denis Waitly

February 2009 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN: 978-0-07-337517-5

ISBN: 0073375179

Psychology of Success defines the fundamental psychology principles of success―principles applicable to everyone regardless of age, major, background or specialty. Unlike many books, Psychology of Success doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach; rather it asks students to take an active role in defining what is right for them as an individual. It calls on students to use self-awareness and critical thinking to examine their dreams, values, interests, skills, needs, identities, self-esteem, and relationships and to set and achieve goals based on their personal vision of success. It introduces key concepts of psychology and offers creative exercises designed to help students understand these concepts and apply them to their lives. A workbook as well as a textbook, Psychology of Success offers simple yet effective strategies for self-improvement (Description provided from

Sayings of the Elders

John Friesen, 

January 1998 | Brush Education

ISBN: 9781550591620

ISBN: 155059-162-2

This collection of sayings reflects the depth and magnitude of First Nations wisdom and underscores the tremendous appreciation that Aboriginal people have for life, the earth and one another. Much of it is anchored on a deep sense of gratitude to the Creator (Description provided from

Sayings of a Philosopher

John Friesen, 

January 2004 | Brush Education

ISBN: 9781550592689

ISBN: 1-55059-268-9

This little volume is made up of a series of reflections on a variety of subjects derived from a myriad of sources. Not unlike informal "pontifical" musings, these thoughts were collected over several decades while the author was involved in the business of teaching philosophy, doing pastoral work, counseling, and preaching. It has often been said that people tend to take life too seriously; some of the thoughts in this book will hopefully change that perspective. Taking a slightly lighter approach to the vicissitudes of everyday life can be quite healthy (Description provided from

Study Guide: The Power of Habit Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

Melissa Birkett, & Laurie Dickson

 2012 | 



The Delaney Sisters' Book of Everyday Wisdom

Sarah Delaney, Elizabeth Delaney, & Amy Hearth

September 1996 | Kodansha USA

ISBN: 9781568361666

ISBN: 1-56836-166-1

That's how Sadie Delany described the outpouring of affection and admiration that followed the success of Having Our Say, the best-selling memoir she and her sister published in 1993. Now they offer their fans a treasury of grandmotherly good sense: memorable aphorisms, engaging anecdotes, rules for managing money, practical advice on staying active in old age, and some favorite recipes, too. It's a book filled with the secrets of living well, from two women who did it for more than a century (Description provided from

The Purpose-Guided Student: Dream to Succeed

Jerry Pattengale

January 2010 | McGraw-Hill

ISBN: 978-0-07-352241-8

ISBN: 0073522414

Jerry Pattengale’s The Purpose-Guided Student: Dream to Succeed helps students to find their way, and to be excited about doing so! Through connecting class work to life passions, Pattengale helps students to persist to graduation and beyond. The Purpose-Guided Student has a practical and engaging “big picture approach” that helps students “to create dreams stronger than their struggles,” and to develop intrinsic motivation. Engaging students in discussions about important questions relative to their future and capitalizing on the many classes and campus experiences students face, The Purpose-Guided Student motivates students find their passion and succeed in college and beyond (Description provided from


Work and Motivation


Victor Vroom

November 1994 | John Wiley & Sons

ISBN: 9780787900304

ISBN: 0787900303

Why do people choose the careers they do? What factors cause people to be satisfied with their work? No single work did more to make concepts like motive, goal incentive, and attitude part of the workplace vocabulary.

This landmark work, originally published in 1964, integrates the work of hundreds of researchers in individual workplace behavior to explain choice of work, job satisfaction, and job performance.Includes an extensive new introduction that highlights and updates his model for current organization behavior educators and students,as well as professionals who must extract the highest levels of productivity from today's downsized work forces (Description provided by


Journal of Student Development 

Debora L. Liddell

2010 | Johns Hopkins University Press

ISSN: 0897-5264

Journal of College Student Development (JCSD), the largest and leading source of research about college students and the field of student affairs, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from a wide range of academic fields. Since 1959, scholars in student affairs, higher education, sociology, psychology, social work, nursing, business administration, and health sciences have been finding their voice with JCSDJournal of College Student Development is the official journal of the ACPA--College Student Educators International (Description provided by

Journal of Student Development

Debora L. Liddell

2011 | Johns Hopkins University Press

ISBN # 0897-5264

Journal of College Student Development (JCSD), the largest and leading source of research about college students and the field of student affairs, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from a wide range of academic fields. Since 1959, scholars in student affairs, higher education, sociology, psychology, social work, nursing, business administration, and health sciences have been finding their voice with JCSDJournal of College Student Development is the official journal of the ACPA--College Student Educators International (Description provided by

Journal of Student Development

Debora L. Liddell

2011 | Johns Hopkins University Press

ISBN # 0897-5264

Journal of College Student Development (JCSD), the largest and leading source of research about college students and the field of student affairs, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from a wide range of academic fields. Since 1959, scholars in student affairs, higher education, sociology, psychology, social work, nursing, business administration, and health sciences have been finding their voice with JCSDJournal of College Student Development is the official journal of the ACPA--College Student Educators International (Description provided by

Journal of Student Development

Debora L. Liddell

2020 | Johns Hopkins University Press

ISBN # 0897-5264

Journal of College Student Development (JCSD), the largest and leading source of research about college students and the field of student affairs, publishes scholarly articles and reviews from a wide range of academic fields. Since 1959, scholars in student affairs, higher education, sociology, psychology, social work, nursing, business administration, and health sciences have been finding their voice with JCSDJournal of College Student Development is the official journal of the ACPA--College Student Educators International (Description provided by

Journal of the First-Year Experience & Studies in Transition Volume 20, Number 2

2008 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

ISBN # 1542-3077

The Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition is a semiannual refereed journal providing current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The primary purpose of the Journal is to disseminate empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years; transition issues unique to specific populations (e.g., non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented students, transfer students, commuters, part-time students); and explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to college transitions (Description provided from

Journal of the First-Year Experience & Studies in Transition, Volume 27, Number 2

Fall 2015 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

ISBN # 1542-3077

The Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition is a semiannual refereed journal providing current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The primary purpose of the Journal is to disseminate empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years; transition issues unique to specific populations (e.g., non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented students, transfer students, commuters, part-time students); and explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to college transitions (Description provided from

Journal of the First-Year Experience & Studies in Transition, Volume 28, Number 1

Spring 2016 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

ISBN # 1542-3077

The Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition is a semiannual refereed journal providing current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The primary purpose of the Journal is to disseminate empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years; transition issues unique to specific populations (e.g., non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented students, transfer students, commuters, part-time students); and explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to college transitions (Description provided from

Journal of the First-Year Experience & Studies in Transition, Volume 28, Number 2

Fall 2016 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

ISBN # 1542-3077

The Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition is a semiannual refereed journal providing current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The primary purpose of the Journal is to disseminate empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years; transition issues unique to specific populations (e.g., non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented students, transfer students, commuters, part-time students); and explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to college transitions (Description provided from

Journal of the First-Year Experience & Studies in Transition, Volume 29, Number 1

Spring 2017 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

ISSN # 1542-3077

The Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition is a semiannual refereed journal providing current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The primary purpose of the Journal is to disseminate empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years; transition issues unique to specific populations (e.g., non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented students, transfer students, commuters, part-time students); and explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to college transitions (Description provided from



Civil Society at the Millennium

Kumi Naidoo

September 1999 | Kumarian Press

ISBN: 978-1565491017

ISBN: 1-56549-101-7

This book is key to developing a clearer understanding of the role of civil society as a legitimate actor in public life. It examines civil society’s role in the context of: governance, youth participation, women and leadership, volunteerism, indigenous peoples, religion, and more (Description provided from

Leadership from the Heart The Passion to Make a Difference

Rodger H. Sublett

July 2001 | Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, MI

ISBN # 0-9716520-0-7

This document presents the personal narratives of 19 participants in the National Fellowship/Leadership program. In their narratives, the Kellogg fellows recount their experiences developing leadership knowledge, skills, and competencies while addressing human, societal, and community issues (W.K. Kellogg Foundation, One Michigan Avenue East, Battle Creek, Michigan 49017-4058. Tel: 269-968-1611; Web site: For full text:

Leadership: Impact, Culture, & Sustainability

Nancy Huber & Michael Harvey

2007 | The James Macgregor Burns Academy of Leadership

ISBN # 978-1-891464-28-7

ISBN # 1-891464-28-0

The Leadership Challenge

James Kouzes, & Berry Posner

August 2002 | Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John

ISBN # 0-7879-6833-1

ISBN # 978-0787968335

In the third edition of this title, the authors explore the evolving essence of quality leadership in public and private organizations. They demonstrate how visionary leaders accomplish extraordinary things, and they address current challenges such as the new cynicism, the electronic global village, and the shift to team-oriented work relationships. Kouzes and Posner are the authors of The Leadership Challenge, revised (0-7879-0269-1), Encouraging the Heart (0-7879-4184-0) and Credibility (1-55542-550-X). (Book description found on

Learning Topics

2012-2013 National Survey of First-Year Seminars:
Exploring High-Impact Practices in the First College Year (Research Reports on College Transitions)

Dallin George Young & Jessica M. Hopp

ISBN: 978-1-889271-90-3

ISBN: 188927190X

March 2014 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

For a quarter century, the National Resource Center has been examining the prevalence, structure, and administration of first-year seminars on American college campuses. The 2012-2013 administration of the National Survey of First-Year Seminars was expanded to explore the connection between the seminar and other high-impact practices in the first college year, including learning communities, service-learning, common reading programs, undergraduate research, and writing instruction. Findings are disaggregated by institutional characteristics and seminar type so that readers may easily identify the course features with the greatest relevance for their own context (Description provided from

A Guide For Educators to Critical Thinking Competency Standards

Dr. Richard Paul & Dr. Linda Elder

ISBN: 9780944583302

ISBN: 0-944583-30-X

January 2007 |  Foundation for Critical Thinking

The critical thinking competency standards articulated in this guide serve as a resource for teachers, curriculum designers, administrators and accrediting bodies. The use of these competencies across the curriculum will ensure that critical thinking is fostered in the teaching of any subject to all students at every grade level. This guide provides a framework for assessing students' critical thinking abilities. It enables administrators, teachers and faculty at all levels to determine the extent to which students are reasoning critically within any subject or discipline (Description provided from

An Exploration of Intersecting Identities of First-Generation, Low-income Students (Research Reports on College Transitions)

Rashne R. Jehangir, Michael J. Stebleton, and Veronica Deenanath

ISBN: 9781889271972

ISBN: 1889271977

August 2015 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience

In January 2014, the White House urged that college be made more accessible for low-income Americans. Moving beyond access to success, however, requires knowing more about the experiences of these students.

This research report captures the challenges low-income, first-generation students face in their collegiate journey, examining the strategies they employ to persist. Organized thematically and using student narrative, the brief report explores the diversity of first-generation students, the intersections of their multiple identities, and their interactions with the institutional agents that affect college success. An Exploration of Intersecting Identities of First-Generation, Low-Income Students also offers practical suggestions for higher education professionals working with this diverse and growing population (Description provided by

Challenging & Supporting The First-Year Student: A Handbook for Improving the First Year of College

A Handbook for Improving the First Year of College

M. Lee Upcraft,  John N. Gardner, Betsy O. Barefoot, & Associates

ISBN: 9780787959685

ISBN: 0-7879-5968-5

October 2004 | Jossey-Bass

An authoritative, comprehensive guide to the first year of college, Challenging and Supporting the First Year Student includes the most current information about the policies, strategies, programs, and services designed to help first-year students make a successful transition to college and fulfill their educational and personal goals (Description provided by

Common Reading Programs: Going Beyond the Book (First-Year Experience Monograph No. 44)

Jodi Levine Laufgraben

ISBN: 9781889271538

ISBN: 1889271535

May 2006 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience

Common reading programs are becoming a ubiquitous component of first-year experience initiatives. Sometimes controversial, these programs are designed to provide students an introduction to the intellectual expectations of college in an often-informal gathering of college faculty and peers. Yet, truly dynamic and successful programs move beyond book discussion groups to include students, faculty, staff, and the larger community in a wide range of social and intellectual activities. Laufgraben gathers examples from programs across the country to offer a concise and practical guide to planning, promoting, and assessing common reading initiatives (Description provided by

Cracking Creativity: The Secrets of Creative Genius

Michael Michalko

ISBN: 9780898159134

ISBN: 0-89815-913-X

July 1998 | Ten Speed Press 

In this trailblazing book, internationally renowned business creativity expert Michael Michalko shows how creative people think—and how to put their secrets to work for you. To create this book, Michalko researched and analyzed hundreds of history's greatest thinkers—from Leonardo da Vinci to Pablo Picasso—and then brought their techniques into the modern home and workplace. The follow-up to the popular THINKERTOYS, which sold over 80,000 copies (Description provided by

Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses

L. Dee Fink

March 2003 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN: 9780787960551

ISBN: 0-7879-6055-1 

Publication Year 2003 Jossey-Bass

Dee Fink poses a fundamental question for all teachers: "How can I create courses that will provide significant learning experiences for my students?" In the process of addressing this question, he urges teachers to shift from a content-centered approach to a learning-centered approach that asks "What kinds of learning will be significant for students, and how can I create a course that will result in that kind of learning?"

Fink provides several conceptual and procedural tools that will be invaluable for all teachers when designing instruction. He takes important existing ideas in the literature on college teaching (active learning, educative assessment), adds some new ideas (a taxonomy of significant learning, the concept of a teaching strategy), and shows how to systematically combine these in a way that results in powerful learning experiences for students. Acquiring a deeper understanding of the design process will empower teachers to creatively design courses for significant learning in a variety of situations (Description provided from

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument  (6th Edition)

Sylvan Barnet & Hugo Bedau

ISBN: 978-0-312-45987-1

ISBN: 0-312-45987-4

July 2007 | Bedford/ St. Martin's

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing is a compact but thorough guide to critical thinking and argumentation. Comprising the text portion of the widely adopted Current Issues and Enduring Questions, it draws on the authors' dual expertise in effective persuasive writing and rigorous critical thinking. It helps students move from critical thinking to argumentative and researched writing. With comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument, including Aristotle, Toulmin, and a range of alternative views, it is an extraordinarily versatile text. This affordable guide can stand alone or supplement a larger anthology of readings. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing has been revised to address current student interests and trends in argument, research, and writing (Description provided from

Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings  (8th Edition)(Instructors Edition)

Sylvan Barnet

ISBN: 978-0-312-46545-2

ISBN: 0-312-46545-9

January 2008 | Bedford/ St. Martin's

Current Issues and Enduring Questions is a text and reader that serves as an extensive resource for teaching argument, persuasive writing, critical thinking, and research. It includes readings on topics that matter to students, such as being seen as “the other” and student loan forgiveness, issues that students will want to engage with and debate.  Comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument includes Aristotelian, Toulmin, Rogerian, and a range of alternative views, such as analyzing and writing about visual arguments.

This new edition does more than ever to make argument concepts clear, and to give students strategies for crafting effective arguments.  For today’s ever-increasingly visual learners who are challenged to separate what’s real from what’s not, new activities and visual flowcharts support information literacy. Newly annotated readings highlight important rhetorical moves. And new readings explore controversial issues such as mass incarceration, cultural appropriation, and the way computer algorithms make biased decisions (Description provided from

Faculty Resource Manual 4.0 | CD-Disk Format

University 101 Programs

2015 University of South Carolina

Foundations for Learning: Claiming Your Education (3rd Edition)

Laurie L. Hazard & Jean-Paul Nadeau

ISBN: 978-0-13-231806-8

ISBN: 0132318067

March 2011 | Pearson 

This book is appropriate for courses in First-Year Experience, College Success, and Study Skills. The focus of Foundations for Learning is on academic adjustment with personal development issues seamlessly integrated into the academic emphasis theme of 'claiming an education' and taking responsibility for one's own education


Foundations for Learning addresses both the attitudinal variables and personality traits that affect college achievement like locus of control, conceptions of intelligence, and intellectual curiosity in relation to specific study-related behaviors such as text annotation and active listening. At its core, this text is based on the psychology of adjustment. Students are pushed to consider how each mindset, perception, and attitude connects with their skill sets, and how one influences the other.  The text encourages students to use this insight to make the necessary adjustments to their new role as college students.  It offers an acute awareness of first-year student needs, an intellectual approach, and a tight framework. It is primarily focused on the development of academic adjustment issues and meta-cognitive strategies as they naturally unfold during the first semester, as opposed to primarily focusing on social adjustment issues or issues that aren’t immediately relevant such as career development and is written in a challenging yet accessible way. This revision covers emerging technologies, broadens its audience, and more (Description provided by

Higher Learning: Reading and Writing about College (2nd Edition)

Patti See & Bruce Taylor

ISBN: 978-0-13-114163-6

ISBN: 0131141636

May 2005 | Prentice Hall

This anthology of imaginative literature–by student as well as professional writers–contains stories, poems, drama, essays, letters, and memoirs about all aspects of college life in order to motivate readers, especially first-year students, to read, discuss, write, and think critically about the problems and challenges of succeeding in college. Historical and cultural diversity offers readers a broader context in which to appreciate and understand the college experience. This 2nd edition includes 13 new pieces. These selections provide good and bad examples, individual experiences, parables of the admirable, cautionary tales, and funny stories. An excellent reader for students, teachers, and lifelong learners (Description provided from

Improving the First Year of College: Research and Practice

Robert S. Feldman

ISBN: 9780805848151

ISBN: 0-8058-4815-0

December 2004 | Psychology Press

The first year of college represents an enormous milestone in students' lives. Whether attending a four-year or two-year institution of higher education, living on campus or at home, or enrolled in a highly selective school or a college with an open-admissions policy, students are challenged in unique and demanding ways during their first year.

Although many students rise to the challenges they face, for some the demands are too great. Retention rates beyond the first year are disappointing: one third of first-year students seriously consider leaving college during their first term, and ultimately one half of all students who start college complete it.

What are the factors that impact students during their first year? How can the academic and social experiences of first-year students be optimized? What can we do to improve retention rates to maximize the number of students who complete college? Improving the First Year of College employs a variety of perspectives from leading researchers and student-service providers to address these questions and examine the first year of college (Description provided from

Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL)

Volume 48, Issue 1

Nita Meola and Sydney Granger Saumby

ISSN: 1079-0195

 2018 | Taylor & Francis 

The Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL) invites authors to submit their scholarly research for publication. JCRL is an international forum for the publication of high-quality articles on theory, research, and policy related to areas of developmental education, postsecondary literacy instruction, and learning assistance at the postsecondary level.  JCRL is published triannually in the spring, summer, and fall for the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). In addition to publishing investigations of the reading, writing, thinking, and studying of college learners, JCRL seeks manuscripts with a college focus on the following topics: effective teaching for struggling learners, learning through new technologies and texts, learning support for culturally and linguistically diverse student populations, and program evaluations of developmental and learning assistance instructional models (Description provided from Taylor & Francis Online,

Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL)

Volume 48, Issue 2, 2018

Jeanine L. Williams, Sarah Felber, and Deena Vaughn

ISSN: 1079-0195

2018 Routledge | Taylor & Francis

The Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL) invites authors to submit their scholarly research for publication. JCRL is an international forum for the publication of high-quality articles on theory, research, and policy related to areas of developmental education, postsecondary literacy instruction, and learning assistance at the postsecondary level.  JCRL is published triannually in the spring, summer, and fall for the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). In addition to publishing investigations of the reading, writing, thinking, and studying of college learners, JCRL seeks manuscripts with a college focus on the following topics: effective teaching for struggling learners, learning through new technologies and texts, learning support for culturally and linguistically diverse student populations, and program evaluations of developmental and learning assistance instructional models (Description provided from Taylor & Francis Online,

Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL)

Volume 49, Issue 1, 2019

By Jeanine L. Williams, Sarah Felber, and Deena Vaughn

ISSN: 1079-0195

2018 | Taylor & Francis

The Journal of College Reading and Learning (JCRL) invites authors to submit their scholarly research for publication. JCRL is an international forum for the publication of high-quality articles on theory, research, and policy related to areas of developmental education, postsecondary literacy instruction, and learning assistance at the postsecondary level.  JCRL is published triannually in the spring, summer, and fall for the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). In addition to publishing investigations of the reading, writing, thinking, and studying of college learners, JCRL seeks manuscripts with a college focus on the following topics: effective teaching for struggling learners, learning through new technologies and texts, learning support for culturally and linguistically diverse student populations, and program evaluations of developmental and learning assistance instructional models (Description provided from Taylor & Francis Online,

Keys to Effective Learning: Developing Powerful Habits of Mind (5th Edition)

Carol Carter, Joyce bishop, & Sarah Lyman Kravits

ISBN: 9780132295406

ISBN: 0-13-229540-7

January 2007 | Pearson Prentice Hall

This book focuses on developing effective learning techniques to help readers excel in school, in their careers, and throughout their lives as lifelong learners. Unlike traditional study skills books, this one emphasizes how people learn effectively by involving them in the active process of mastering their mental abilities and their personal confidence. The authors outline getting ready to learn through self-awareness, goal setting and time management, as well as, critical and creative thinking, targeting success in school through reading and studying, listening and memory, taking notes and test taking, quantitative learning, researching and writing, gathering and communicating ideas, as well as, creating life success. For individuals interested in effective learning techniques (Description provided from

Learning to Learn: Thinking Skills For the 21st Century (12th Edition)

Marcia Heiman & Joshua Slomianko

ISBN: 978-1-58390-196-0

ISBN: 1583901965

December 2014 | XanEdu Publishing, Inc.

Learning to Learn is the only college-level program the Department of Education has found to have valid, controlled studies showing significant, lasting impacts on students grade point averages and retention through graduation. These studies show 80% graduation rates at colleges and 20% improvement in retention at four-year colleges.

The skills in this book come easily to students because they re built on natural learning skills the skills used every day. Learning to Learn brings back the feeling of excitement about learning new things that students had before school and tests. They learn to build on their natural questioning skills and translate back and forth between what they see and what they think about between verbal and visual learning (Description provided from

Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives

Janet Gail Donald

ISBN: 978078791037

ISBN: 0-7879-1032-5

March 2002 | Jossey-Bass 

In colleges and universities, there is increasing demand to help students learn how to conceptualize, analyze, and reason. Learning to Think presents a model of learning that takes into account the different ways learning occurs in different academic disciplines and explores the relationship between knowledge and thinking processes. Janet Donald--a leading researcher in the field of postsecondary teaching and learning--presents a framework for learning that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge to encompass ways of constructing and utilizing it within and across disciplines. The author discusses how learning occurs in different academic disciplines and reveals how educators can improve the teaching and learning process in their classrooms and programs (Description provided from

Learning to Think Things Through: A guide to critical thinking across the curriculum (4th Edition)

Gerald M. Nosich

ISBN: 9780137085149

ISBN: 0132379171

January 2011 | Pearson

For Freshman Orientation or Critical Thinking courses as well as a supplementary text for use in any subject-matter at any educational level. This concise, effective guide is designed to help students learn to think critically in any subject-matter.


Learning to Think Things Through presents a combination of instruction and exercises that shows the reader how to become active learners rather than passive recipients of information, use critical thinking to more fully appreciate the power of the discipline they are studying, to see its connections to other fields and to their day-to-day lives, and to maintain an overview of the field so they can see the parts in terms of the whole. The model of critical thinking (used throughout the book) is in terms of the elements of reasoningstandards, and critical thinking processes. This model is well-suited to thinking through any problem or question. The 4th edition reflects streamlined writing, with changes and substantial edits on virtually every page.

Personalize learning with MyStudentSuccessLab™

MyStudentSuccessLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. It fosters the skills students need to succeed for ongoing personal and professional development. Whether face-to-face or online, MyStudentSuccessLab personalizes learning to help students build the skills they need through peer-led video interviews, interactive practice exercises, and activities that provide academic, life, and professionalism skills. 

Peer Coaches as a Retention Tool | DVD Format

Webinar Series | PaperClip Communication

 Increase Engagement, Academic Success, and Graduation Rates Across Diverse Student Populations. 

April 4, 2018

Teach Yourself How to Learn: Strategies You Can Use to Ace Any Course at Any Level (10 Copies)

Saundra Yancy McGuire

ISBN: 978-1-62036-756-8

ISBN: 1620367564

January 2018 | Stylus Publishing, LLC

Following up on her acclaimed Teach Students How to Learn, that describes teaching strategies to facilitate dramatic improvements in student learning and success, Saundra McGuire here presents these “secrets” direct to students.

Her message is that “Any student can use simple, straightforward strategies to start making A’s in their courses and enjoy a lifetime of deep, effective learning.”

Beginning with explaining how expectations about learning, and the study efforts required, differ between college and secondary school, the author introduces her readers, through the concept of metacognition, to the importance and powerful consequences of understanding themselves as learners. This framework and the recommended strategies that support it are useful for anyone moving on to a more advanced stage of education, so this book also has an intended audience of students preparing to go to high school, graduate school, or professional school.

In a conversational tone, and liberally illustrated by anecdotes of past students, the author combines introducing readers to concepts like Bloom’s Taxonomy (to illuminate the difference between studying and learning), fixed and growth mindsets, as well as to what brain science has to tell us about rest, nutrition and exercise, together with such highly specific learning strategies as how to read a textbook, manage their time and take tests.

With engaging exercises and thought-provoking reflections, this book is an ideal motivational and practical text for study skills and first year experience courses (Description provided from

The Acquisition and Retention of Knowledge: A Cognitive View (2000 Edition)

David P. Ausubel

ISBN: 9780792365051

ISBN: 0-7923-6505-4

September 2000 | Springer

In 1963 an initial attempt was made in my The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning to present a cognitive theory of meaningful as opposed to rote verbal learning. It was based on the proposition that the acquisition and retention of knowl­ edge (particularly of verbal knowledge as, for example, in school, or subject-matter learning) is the product of an active, integrative, interactional process between instructional material (subject matter) and relevant ideas in the leamer's cognitive structure to which the new ideas are relatable in particular ways. This book is a full-scale revision of my 1963 monograph, The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning, in the sense that it addresses the major aforementioned and hitherto unmet goals by providing for an expansion, clarification, differentiation, and sharper focusing of the principal psychological variables and processes involved in meaningful learning and retention, i.e., for their interrelationships and interactions leading to the generation of new meanings in the individual learner. The preparation of this new monograph was largely necessitated by the virtual collapse of the neobe­ havioristic theoretical orientation to learning during the previous forty years; and by the meteoric rise in the seventies and beyond of constructivist approaches to learning theory (Description provided from

The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools

Dr. Richard Paul & Dr. Linda Elder

ISBN: 978-0-944583-10-4

ISBN: 0944583105

October 2009 | Foundation for Critical Thinking

The essence of critical thinking concepts and tools distilled into a 20-page pocket-size guide. It is a critical thinking supplement to any textbook or course. It is best used in conjunction with the Analytic Thinking Guide. Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. But much of our thinking, left to itself, is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed or down-right prejudiced. Yet the quality of our life and that of what we produce, make, or build depends precisely on the quality of our thought. Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money and in quality of life. Excellence in thought, however, must be systematically cultivated. Critical thinking is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it. Critical thinking is, self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It requires rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem solving abilities and a commitment to overcoming our native egocentrism and sociocentrism. This miniature guide focuses on of the essence of critical thinking concepts and tools distilled into pocket size. For faculty it provides a shared concept of critical thinking. For students it is a critical thinking supplement to any textbook for any course. Faculty can use it to design instruction, assignments, and tests in any subject. Students can use it to improve their learning in any content area. Its generic skills apply to all subjects. For example, critical thinkers are clear as to the purpose at hand and the question at issue. They question information, conclusions, and points of view. They strive to be clear, accurate, precise, and relevant. They seek to think beneath the surface, to be logical, and fair. They apply these skills to their reading and writing as well as to their speaking and listening. They apply them in history, science, math, philosophy, and the arts; in professional and personal life (Description provided from

Welcoming Blue-Collar Scholars into the Ivory Tower: Developing Class-Conscious Strategies for Student Success (Series on Special Student Populations)

Krista M. Soria

ISBN: 9781889271965

ISBN: 1889271969

July 2015 | National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience

Welcoming Blue-Collar Scholars Into the Ivory Tower is the first volume in a series designed to explore how institutional policies, practices, and cultures shape learning, development, and success for students who have been historically underserved or given limited consideration in the design of higher education contexts. Using the theory of social reproduction as a lens, Krista Soria explores working-class students’ access to and experiences in the academic and social spaces of the campus. Chapters focusing on the classroom and social settings offer recommendations for transforming the learning environment to better support students from working-class backgrounds. Strategies for increasing access, including precollege support networks, and creating inclusive campuses are also addressed. This compact, accessible volume provides both the theoretical grounding and the practical strategies educators need to create a welcoming environment for this underserved population (Description provided from

Mental Health

60 Ways to Relieve Stress in 60 Seconds

Manning Rubin 

January 1993 | Workman Publishing Company

ISBN: 9781563053382

ISBN: 1-56305-338-1

First came the Bronze Age, then the Age of Reason, and now, the Age of Stress-an era of frayed nerves, jangled moods, and panic attacks.

Cheaper than two weeks in Maui, Saner than primal screaming, and more practical than a dry martini, 60 Ways to Relieve Stress in 60 Seconds delivers exactly what it promises-60 short, proven techniques to reduce stress in a minute or less. Developed by Manning Rubin and whimsically illustrated by Paul Frahm-both executives in advertising, the industry that virtually invented stress-here are mind games, quick physical challenges, and imaging and concentration exercises that instantly refocus a person's energy. There's even a stress tester on the cover for before-and-after verification. So the next time the patch shows red, try #18: Drink a glass of water by using exactly 30 sips. Or when your presentation is overdue and the numbers refuse to add up, try #45: Pretend you're a newscaster covering a story, any story. Describe it as a TV newsperson would. It really works. 128,000 copies in print (Description provided by

College of the Overwhelmed

Richard D. Kadison & Theresa Foy Digeronimo

September 2004 | Jossey-Bass

ISBN: 9780787974671

ISBN: 0-7879-7467-6

Written for parents, students, college counselors, and administrators, College of the Overwhelmed is a landmark book that explores the stressors that cause so many college students to suffer psychological problems. The book is filled with insights and stories about the current mental health crisis on our nation's campuses and offers:

  • A hands-on guide for helping students overcome stress and succeed in a college environment.
  • An examination of the effects of such commonplace stress factors such as: identity development, relationships, sexuality, roommate problems, academic pressures, extracurricular demands, parental expectations, and racial and cultural differences that affect self-worth.
  • Personal stories of students under stress and describes how they overcame a variety of problems.
  • The warning signs and symptoms of common problems, including depression, sleep disorders, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, impulsive behaviors, and suicide (Description provided from​​

Mental Health First Aid USA (Adult)

Mental Health First Aid Staff

January 2015 | National Council for Behavioral Health

ISBN: 978-0-692-60748-0

ISBN: 0692607480

From the "about this manual" section at the beginning of the book: "This revised first edition was produced for the purposes of improving mental health knowledge and skills of the U.S. public in responding to early-stage mental illnesses and mental health crises. The course information is most relevant in situations where it becomes apparent to others that persons in their social network are developing serious mental health problems. However, the course may also provide useful information on how to assist a person who has a history of a mental disorder or longer-term mental health problems" (Description provided from

Stress Management A Comprehensive Guide to wellness

Edward A. Charlesworth & Ronald Nathan

October 1985 | Ballantine Books

ISBN: 9780345327345

ISBN # 0-345-32734-9

STRESS MANAGEMENT helps you identify the specific areas of stress in your life--family, work, social, or emotional--and offers proven techniques for dealing with every one of them. Here is a wealth of practical advice you can use right away (Description provided by

Stress management for Dummies

Allen Elkin

September 1999 | For Dummies

ISBN: 9780764551444

ISBN: 0-7645-5144-2

This book gives you many action-oriented ways of coping with your anxiety about anxiety.”
—Albert Ellis, PhD, President, Albert Ellis Institute

Is your job tying your stomach in knots? Do you toss and turn in bed at night? Are your ulcers having ulcers? Face it—you’ve got too much stress in your life, and it’s time to give yourself a break. The consequences of not dealing with stress range from poor health and broken marriages to premature death: not a very cheerful outlook. Thankfully, all kinds of stress reduction approaches are available today: from breathing and posture to imagery and meditation. These new ideas have taken the world by storm—and taken the pressure cooker off the fire for millions of chilled-out people around the world (Description provided from

Politics & Government

America The Owner's Manuel Making Government Work for You 

Bob Graham & Chris Hand

March 2009 | CQ Press

ISBN: 978-1-60426-476-0

ISBN: 1604264764

Senator Bob Graham believes that US citizens should expand on their classroom learning about the political system: he spurs them to hit the court and actually play the game. If citizens work on an issue they care about, politics will become a meaningful and positive experience. This short, how-to guide takes readers out of theoretical discussions of policy and into a world where they can affect change. Graham's goal is to have readers identify a problem, and then walk them through each step from researching the issue, to getting others involved, to engaging the media. Each chapter starts with a real case, showing citizens tackling a step in the process, and ends with a summary checklist and a series of questions that help readers put Graham’s game plan in action. By offering readers concrete guidance, an array of resources, and advice for troubleshooting and overcoming barriers, this compact user's guide gets readers way beyond textbook learning (Description provided from

Showdown: The Struggle Between the Gingrich Congress and the Clinton White House

Elizabeth Drew

April 1996 | Simon & Schuster

ISBN: 978-0684815183

ISBN: 0-684-81518-4

The author of  On the Edge  chronicles the continuing clash between the Clinton White House and the Republican-dominated Congress, focusing on such key people as Dole, Gingrich, and Gramm as they struggle over taxes, welfare, health care, and other issues. 60,000 first printing. Tour (Description provided from

Study Skills

101 Tips for Online Courses Success

Randy Nordell

January 2014 | McGraw-Hill Education

ISBN # 978-0-07-802092-6

ISBN # 0078020921

Arm your students with the strategies they need for success with 101 Tips for Online Course Success. Many students think they are prepared for online classes, in fact they often think they will be easier than on-ground courses, but are they actually ready for the challenges that come with learning online?

Help your students manage their time, keep organized, stay motivated, use online resources, use learning management systems, work in groups, and much more!

101 Tips for Online Course Success is everything your students need to succeed in an online or hybrid course. It is their handbook and planner that can complement any online or hybrid course, regardless of the subject matter. It can also be used in student success courses that introduce students to the college experience. Most of the strategies and tips included in this text are also relevant to the onsite courses. (Description from

Doing Honest Work In College: How to Prepare Citations, Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real Academic Success

Charles Lipson

October 2004 | University Chicago Press

ISBN # 978-0226484730

ISBN # 0226484734

As college deans and faculty are well aware, cheating and plagiarism have become an epidemic. Some students deliberately download papers, while others break rules they simply don't understand. Unfortunately, there have been no reliable guides to aid students, faculty, and teaching assistants in navigating these challenging issues. Now, there's help. Charles Lipson, a distinguished scholar and teacher who has coached thousands of students in the basics of honest work, provides clear, accessible, and often humorous advice on all aspects of college studies, from papers and exams to study groups and labs.

In the first part of the book, Lipson outlines three core principles of academic honesty and explores how these principles inform all aspects of college work. He discusses plagiarism in detail, outlining an ingenious note-taking system and offering guidelines for quoting and paraphrasing. Careful attention is paid to online research, including the perils of "dragging and dropping" text without proper citation. These chapters include numerous tips, all highlighted for students, on how to work honestly and study effectively.

The second part of the book gives a full account of citation styles in the humanities, social sciences, and physical and biological sciences, as well as in pre-professional studies. Filled with examples, these chapters show students exactly how to cite books, journals, edited volumes, Web sites, online publications, and much more—in every citation style imaginable.

By clearly communicating the basic principles of academic honesty and exploring these principles in action, Doing Honest Work in College promotes genuine learning and academic success. This must-have reference empowers faculty and students to address questions about academic honesty before problems arise. It will be the book students turn to for advice from their first class to their final exam (Description from

E-Learning Companion A Student's Guide to Online Success

Ryan Watkins, & Michael Corry

January 2013 | Cengage Learning

ISBN # 978-113-331631-2

ISBN # 113331631X

E-LEARNING COMPANION serves as a resource and quick-reference guide for any course that demands technology skills. In addition to helping students adapt previously mastered skills--such as time management, note-taking, and critical thinking--to the online environment, this text shows students how social networking, cloud file storage, wikis, and blogs can be utilized appropriately and effectively in a college course. Technical terminology and how-to tutorials help students become more capable and flexible online learners, and build skills that will support them throughout college and their future careers. The Fourth Edition is fully updated to be current and relevant for today's online learning environments, and also includes new Workplace Applications, and coverage of professional behavior and professional emails (Description from

Foundations for Critical Thinking

Trudy Bers, Marc Chun & William Daly

July 2015 | National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience

ISBN # 978-1-889-27193-4

ISBN # 1889271934

Foundations for Critical Thinking explores the landscape of critical-thinking skill development and pedagogy through foundational chapters and institutional case studies involving a range of students in diverse settings. Establishing a link between active learning and improved critical thinking encourages all higher education professionals, in whatever context, to join the ongoing conversation regarding the state of today’s college students’ critical-thinking ability. Faculty will find strategies for developing successful teaching techniques to prepare students to face the challenges of a global economy and lead creative, productive, and fulfilling lives. Staff and administrators working with students in a variety of capacities will find insights for moving critical thinking development beyond the classroom.

Making the Grade: How to Study at the College Level

Mark Pruitt

Publication Year 2012 | Pruitt Books, LLC

ISBN # 978-1-4752-1888-6

ISBN # 1-4752-1888-6

Want to dominate your college classes? Making the Grade can help you learn more effectively, earn killer grades, and help you have an awesome college experience. These short, easy-to-read lessons can improve the way you take notes, the way you study, and the way you use your time. When Mark Pruitt followed these techniques, he made a 95% or higher in every class. Let Mark help you get the most out of your college years…TODAY!

Power Up: A Practical Student's Guide to Online Learning (2nd Edition)
Stacey Barrett, Catrina Poe, & Carrie Spagnola-Doyle

September 2011 | Pearson

ISBN # 978-0-13-278819-9

ISBN # 0132788195 

Some research indicates that the majority of online students do not persist in their programs. They may drop out because they have misconceptions and/or misunderstandings regarding the realities of online learning including the expectations, the potential obstacles, and the necessary preparations required to succeed in the virtual classroom. As an online student, you are embarking on a dream, making an investment in yourself, and reaching for success. This book is designed to support you as a student new to online learning by giving you practical tips and information to help you achieve your goals in the online environment efficiently and effectively (Mission of the book). 

Study Skills: Do I Really Need this Stuff? (3rd Editions)
Steve Piscitelli

January 2012 | Pearson

ISBN # 978-0-13-278951-6

ISBN # 0132789515

Study Skills poses assessment of strengths and weaknesses allow students to self-identify what they already do well as a whole and what they need to improve, then take shorter assessments specific to the study skill topic of each chapter. Chapter opening situations are presented through crisply written 'problem based learning' vignettes to engage in critical thinking and is referenced in key points to reinforce the R.E.D. model. Each chapter concludes with the reader asked to critically apply objectives and strategies and propose a plan for the student in the scenario, again 'problem based learning'. Priority management is a key feature and distinct from time management, as well as Information literacy coverage including social media and how to write for social media - strong and timely.

Your College Experience: Strategies for Success

John Gardner, Jerome Jewler, & Betsy Barefoot

December 2011 | Bedford Books

ISBN: 978-0-312-63799-6

ISBN: 0312637993