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Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan is the process of borrowing material from other libraries.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form


**If you don't receive a email response indicating we received your request please contact us at

Each request will be evaluated in accordance with copyright guidelines.  It is the decision of the lending library whether they can send us the item or not.  We will endeavor to locate alternate locations, as needed.

About Interlibrary Loan Services

What is it?

Interlibrary Loan is a service that allows libraries to borrow materials from other libraries.  It is useful when our library doesn't own a particular item that you need.  We can locate other libraries that do own the item and ask to borrow it for you to use.  It is a way that libraries can share information and make more material available to their patrons.

When do I use it?

Interlibrary loan can be used when our library does not have what you need.  Before submitting a request, please do your best to determine whether or not we own it. Check Spartan Search to see if we have the book or journal.

Who can use it?

Current UT students, staff, faculty members (active and emeritus), and Friends of the Library may request material.

How long does it take?

The average turnaround time is 5 to 7 business days for books.  The turnaround time for articles is often much sooner.  The time it takes to acquire materials depends greatly on how long it takes for the lending library to provide the material and the time it takes to deliver the material.  Please place all Interlibrary Loan requests well in advance of any assignment due dates and plan accordingly when requesting materials.

How do I know when the material is ready?

You will be notified by email or phone when the material is available.

How much does it cost?

Interlibrary Loan services are typically free.  However, if there is a charge you will be notified before proceeding with the request.


If you have any further questions, please

If you need any help with your research, please contact the Research Help Desk at (813) 253-3057,, or chat.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility