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Information about the Macdonald-Kelce Library services, policies, and collections

Borrowing Privileges

To borrow materials or access Reserve items at the library, you'll need either a Spartan card (UT ID card), which is exclusively for current UT faculty/staff/students and emeritus faculty. Friends of the Library may also borrow library materials.

Policy on Acceptable Use of Computing Resources
We fully comply with the Acceptable Use Policy of the University of Tampa.

Electronic Devices Policy
The use of cellular phones is not permitted in the library. Ringers should be turned off while patrons are in the library. Exceptions will be made for IT, security, and building/grounds personnel, and medical personnel who are on call.

Portable computer devices, music players, and radios are permitted in the library as long as they are always used with headphones. Patrons are responsible for supplying their own headphones. The volume should be kept to a level that cannot be heard by other patrons. Patrons using portable audio or video devices will be requested to turn down the volume if it is disturbing to others.

Personal laptops are permitted in the library, but should be used in areas where cables and wires will not cause a safety hazard. Personal laptops may not be connected to library-owned hardware such as printers. When using programs with audio, the sound should be turned off or headphones should be worn. As stated above, the volume should be kept to a level that cannot be heard by other patrons.

Journalists or commercial photographers must seek the permission of Office of Public Information of The University of Tampa prior to any photographs or video footage taken within the library.


Food is permitted in room 127, which is where the vending machines are located.

Beverages in spill proof and closed lid containers, e.g., sports bottles or other containers, which are made of hard plastic and which have a screw-on or hard plastic cap to prevent spillage are allowed. Hot and cold cups from fast-food restaurants or vending machines, juice boxes, and canned soft drinks are NOT allowed.

Gift Policy
The Macdonald-Kelce Library welcomes donations of cash, in-kind and personal book collections. Monetary gifts are welcomed for the purchase of specific items consistent with the Library's Collection Development policy.

Any materials given to the library are evaluated by the same standards as purchased materials. The library reserves the right to dispose of any portion of a gift that does not meet the collection development criteria. Gifts offered with restricting conditions may be accepted at the discretion of the Library Director. The library determines final disposition of gifts or donations.

Monetary contributions to the library support the purchase of desired books and materials. We must acquire recent books in hundreds of fields. Monetary donations will assist us in acquiring these materials. All contributions to The University are tax deductible. Contributions to the library may be by cash or check.

Rare books and manuscripts will be evaluated by the appropriate staff and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

A donation to the library may be in the form of a memorial or tribute to an individual, or a commemoration of a special occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, graduation or other special occasion. The library respectfully requests a minimum contribution of $20 for the purchase of one or more books.

Each book purchased through a memorial/tribute donation will bear a personalized bookplate commemorating the person or event.

Anyone wishing to make a cash or in-kind contribution may contact either the Director of Library or The University of Tampa Development Office.

The library will not appraise gift materials. If desired, the donor should seek appraisals by a qualified third party. The library follows all federal and state regulations governing donations, including rulings on appraisals for tax deduction. The library is prohibited by conflict of interest concerns from providing estimates of monetary value for any donation. Donors must comply with all IRS regulations in force before delivery of gifts or donations. The acceptance of a gift, which has been appraised by the donor or a third Party, in no way implies endorsement of the appraisal by the library.

Inappropriate donations include anything containing mold, mildew, or insects which may be potentially dangerous to the existing collection. Any material that is damaged by water or ripped, torn or shows extensive wear, or any book that is written in or highlighted may not be permanently added to the collection.

Library Conduct

Material Preservation
Maintaining and preserving library materials and facilities is an obligation of all members of the community. Members of the community are not to remove library materials from the facility without checking them out according to library circulation policies. Community members are responsible for any damage to library materials while they are checked out and may be charged for replacement of the item and processing.

Records of library transactions (circulation, interlibrary loan requests, workstation logs, and reference assistance) are considered confidential. An individual's use of specific materials will be released only to law enforcement officials with legal authority to obtain such materials. Normally a subpoena is required for release of such information.


The Dean of Students must approve all signs (including flyers, leaflets, handbills, posters, advertisements, and other similar announcements/ publicity). In order to maintain a neat appearance and conformity throughout the library there are placement restrictions.

  1. Signs are to be posted only on surfaces specifically designated for this purpose.
  2. Materials posted must not overlap/cover other signs.
  3. Signs written in a foreign language must be accompanied by an English translation.
  4. Signs that constitute a health/safety hazard or may cause property damage will be removed.
  5. Individuals are responsible for any property damage.
  6. Acceptance of signs for posting does not imply approval or disapproval of the ideas and opinions expressed.   Objectionable signs shall be removed.
  7. All signs are temporary. The library reserves the right to establish reasonable time limits for all signs.

Smoking, vaping, and the use of tobacco products are prohibited in the building or anywhere on campus.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility