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Information about the Macdonald-Kelce Library services, policies, and collections

Circulation Desk

The circulation desk is where you go to borrow items (check out), and return items (check in).

Materials available to circulate (i.e. borrow) include:

  • books,
  • computers,
  • DVDs,
  • CDs,
  • game consoles.

The circulation desk is also where you go to:

  • reserve group rooms,
  • check out the key to the curriculum room,
  • get the key to a locker,
  • borrow and return items on reserve.

Contact the circulation desk:

Circulation Loan Terms

Patrons Max Loans Book Loans Media Loans ILL
Faculty 100 12 Months 7 Days Yes
Staff 100 12 Months 7 Days Yes
Undergraduate Students 50 42 Days* 7 Days* Yes
Graduate Students 50 42 Days* 7 Days* Yes
Adjunct Faculty 50 42 Days* 7 Days* Yes
Emeriti 10 42 Days* 7 Days* Yes
Friends of the Library 10 14 Days 7 Days No

*Loan time may be less towards the End of Term

**Table does not include Course Reserve loans which vary between 2 hours and 7 days.

***Services are available to the groups listed above. Visitors have access to view the physical collection and use computers. Visitors do not have checkout or ILL privileges. 

Circulation Policies

Library Card: Your UTampa Spartan Card is also your library card and will be used to check out materials. If you lose your Spartan Card or forget it, you may use a valid Driver’s License or State ID as long as your account is up to date.

Books, videos, DVDs, CDs, laptops, headphones, some government documents, and some maps can all be checked out of the library.

Fines: Fines are issued for items that are not returned when due. Fines are generally $.25 per day for late items in the main collection and $.25 per hour for late items on Reserve. Overdue laptops fines are accrued at $10 per day. Additional charges may be assessed.

Reserves: If your professor has placed an item on 'Reserve,' ask for the item at the Circulation Desk. You may borrow items from this collection for the time period set by your professor, which is usually two hours in the library only. In some cases your professor may allow an overnight loan period (check with staff).

Interlibrary Loan: If we do not have an item you are searching for ask about using Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Using ILL, we can obtain an item from another library (at their discretion) in usually less than two weeks. Articles are sent electronically and usually arrive more promptly. Fill out one of the request forms at the Research Help Desk or use the Interlibrary Loan online form. We will contact you when the item has arrived or if there should be any problem receiving it.

Returning Items: To return items bring them into the library or use the drop box located to the left of the front doors on the outside of the library.

Lost Items: Charges at current market value will be assessed for lost books, kits, DVDs, Laptops, etc. and posted to the patron’s account, and sent to the Bursar’s Office for collection.  (Note: Lost items borrowed from another library through Interlibrary Loan must reconciled with the ILL Circulation Technician or Circulation Manager.) The borrower would also be responsible for any accrued overdue charges.

Laptops: Available for 7-day checkout.  Late fees are charged at $10/day. Copies of the loan policy for lost/replacement of equipment are given to the patron at time of service. The borrower would also be responsible for any accrued overdue charges. Additional charges may be assessed. Accommodations may be made under extenuating circumstances with the Circulation Manager. Laptop Checkout Information 

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility