For our collection of videos and handouts about using the library for research projects see our guide Introduction to Library Research.
Librarians are available online via Chat and at the Research Help Desk to help you locate the high-quality information sources you need for your research and academic success. Stop by to talk to a librarian about locating information, or to learn how to use a database.
Reference librarians are your guides to the library, and, more broadly, the world of information. Reference librarians can help you get the most out of the library's holdings, and demonstrate effective ways to use the many databases at your disposal.
Research Help Desk: (813) 257-3057
See the list below for your department's liaison librarian.
College of Arts and Letters (CAL)
College of Business (COB)
College of Natural and Health Sciences (CNHS)
College of Social Science, Mathematics, and Education (CSSME)
Interdisciplinary Programs
UTampa Departments
Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility