CHE430 - Advanced Instrumental Chemistry

A guide to assist with CHE430, Advanced Instrumental Chemistry.

Primary Sources in the Sciences

Primary sources (or primary research) in the sciences are original research studies usually found in published articles that include hypotheses, experiments, analyses, data, and a conclusion. Primary research can be found in all scientific fields, including chemistry.

Scientific research articles are usually very specific and geared toward professionals in the field.

Examples of Primary Research:

  • Patents
  • Original research articles
  • Conference papers
  • Technical papers
  • Theses and Dissertations
  • Lab notebooks

Databases to search for Primary Scientific Research

Secondary Sources in the Sciences

Secondary Sources reveal theories, trends, comparisons of thought, and other general overviews of a discipline, and specific topics within a discipline. They generally provide interpretation and analysis of primary sources.

These sources include:

  • Books
  • Reviews
  • Textbooks
  • Websites
  • Magazine and Newspaper articles

Tertiary Sources in the Sciences

Tertiary Sources condense and collect information from primary and secondary sources.

Examples of Tertiary Sources include:

  • Handbooks
  • Encyclopedias
  • Compilations
  • Dictionaries
  • Tables
  • Indexes, abstracts, bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources
  • Manuals
  • Bibliographies

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