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Databases: Trials, Access Issues, New Acquisitions


Many of the databases available for Macdonald-Kelce Library users follow the standards of 29 U.S.C. 794d (more commonly known as Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act) and/or use Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as part of the accessibility verification process.

For many databases, your best option is either a screen reader or downloading the PDF and using Adobe Acrobat to read the article. 

EBSCO, ProQuest, and Gale offer a Listen feature for HTML articles. 
All three allow you to download the MP3 audio.

For PDF articles, download them and use Adobe Acrobat.

Click View --> Read Out Loud (Activate, then read to the end of the document)
ProQuest text-to-speech player

EBSCO text-to-speech player options

Screen Readers

Edge browser press CTRL-SHIFT-U to activate reader mode.

Chrome browser, install Screen Reader or other addon.

Firefox browser, install Pericles: Text to Speech or other addon.

Windows users can install JAWS Screen Reading Software at no cost.

ACM Digital Library

ACM Digital Library specific instructions for screen reader users:

Before entering the database it is necessary to accept the terms and conditions. JAWS (screen reading  software) does read these automatically. Once heard you can press tab to highlight "I accept the above terms" then enter. The default is to search The ACM Digital Library rather than The Guide,  which is correct, but the search box on the homepage is labelled as The Guide Edit. If your links list your search results, the article title appears first, followed by the full text in PDF and sometimes HTML format.

View the HTML version if available as the PDF files are often without headings and therefore hard to navigate. Before you can download any full text item you will need to disable your pop up blocker as full text opens in a new window.  Use Adobe Reader to convert the PDF, although it still may not read in a linear way. Articles can also be converted to a more accessible format using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) equipment.


EBSCO Databases Listen Features

            EBSCO Listen

            Select Access now (Online full text) or click Access options  Online full text
            Click The headphones icon to Listen.
            Select options for playback.
            Click the download icon to download an mp3 file of the audio.

For more information:

JAWS 8.0, visit:



Elsevier is committed to providing accessible information. Our approach extends our RELX accessibility commitment and contributes to Elsevier Corporate Responsibility activity, which supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #10 - reduced inequalities.

Accessibility features of include

  • Pages are uniquely and descriptively titled
  • Keyboard friendly links and buttons
  • Obvious visible focus ring
  • Logical focus order of interactive elements
  • Visible Skip to Main content link
  • Use of proper semantic structure including landmarks, headings, and lists
  • Responsive design can be used in small screen devices and magnified in the browser to 400%
  • High contrast text on background
  • Comprehensive site map
  • Breadcrumb trail provides information about the user's location within a set of Web pages


Gale Databases Listen features

Click the Listen icon

GALE Listen

Gale Listen

This can be found on the detailed display screen, which can be accessed by clicking on the title of the article from the search results.   Articles may also be downloaded as an audio file in MP3. Not all Gale PDFs are ADA compliant. More details can be found on the Gale website.

Find more Gale databases.


JSTOR instructions for screen reader users:

Search results appear in the order:

  • Check Box
  • Reference Number
  • Article Title (which is a link)
  • Author
  • Eeference Details
  • Article Information
  • Page of First Match
  • PDF 

PDF accessibility

From JSTOR: We have made every effort to ensure that our image-based PDF files are accessible and can be read with screen readers such as JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver. These files are tagged at a high level using an automated process. While this method is not exact, it significantly increases the accessibility of files as compared to an untagged version. We are happy to provide files in either PDF or Word (.docx) format upon request.

In the event that the PDF tagging described is not sufficient for your use, we can perform manual tagging for you. We are also happy to reformat PDFs that are unreadable via screen reader. If there are PDFs that don’t work with your screen reader or you have further questions about accessibility, please contact us. Please include citations for any requested articles. Turnaround time for requests will vary but we generally respond in 3 days or less.

  • Limit of 3 articles per request
  • Turnaround time is 3 days per request
For more information see the JSTOR accessibility pages.

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni Instructions for screen reader and keyboard only users:

This database is complex and uses frames.  For keyboard users it is recommended that you use F6 and SHIFT+F6 to move between the frames.  There are a few drop down boxes that refresh the screen as soon as you use the arrow key to move to the next option when using Internet Explorer.  To open the drop down box and then select the option you want ,press ALT+ DOWN ARROW, select  your preferred option using UP and DOWN ARROW and then press ENTER to activate it.   The search results pages have five frames.  Listed below are the headings of each frame with a brief explanation of what they cover:

  • Global Navigation Frame enables you to go back to the LexisLibrary start page
  • Results Navigation Frame allows you to manipulate your references by changing the sort order, email and save them etc
  • Results Classification Frame separates and groups the results under type of publication
  • Right Side Frame can be ignored
  • Results Content Frame lists your results

Project Muse

Project MUSE instructions for screen reader users:

To search from initial page list the links and select Search.  Search results are displayed in the order of check box, result number, reference details and then View HTML and View PDF to read the full text.  Select View HTML, which includes heading levels to aid navigation.


ProQuest Database Listen feature

ProQuest Listen

Click on the Title of Full Text articles (will not work with PDFs).

Using the ProQuest text-to-speech player

Find within full-text English articles, may not work with foreign text.

Internet Explorer users who want to specify date ranges in Advanced Search must use ALT + DOWN ARROW to open the Date Range combo box and use the up and down arrows to move through the options.  Press enter to choose the appropriate date range, which may then open another box for you to enter the date details.  If you don't access the combo box this way JAWS is confused when the additional date range boxes are automatically generated as you move through the options and stops reading. Choose Full Text, rather than Full Text - PDF, where available.  Once you are in Full Text, select level heading 2, to move straight to the full text.  This is not a known issue with FireFox.

Accessibility reports for individual ProQuest databases


PubMed for screen reader users:

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) converts and stores submitted articles to the ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015 JATS eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format, which enables long-term preservation and supports accessibility.  NLM displays articles in PMC in structured HTML that is responsive to different screen sizes and devices and compatible with assistive technologies to enable broad accessibility.  Pubmed has recently been amended so that article titles now appear as links to further information, rather than the authors, so the database is easier to navigate.

NLM makes every effort to ensure that the information available on our websites is accessible to all.  If you use assistive technology to access the web and experience problems using our site, please let us know by contacting NLM Customer Service at or through the NLM Support Center or by phone at (888) FIND-NLM (346-3656) or (301) 594-5983. Please have available the URL, PMCID, or journal and article title with which you need assistance, along with a description of the problem. We will work with you to provide the information to you in an alternate format.  

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility