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A guide to help you locate books, scholarly articles, and primary sources as well as citation guidelines related to historical research.

UT History and the History of Tampa

Works dealing with the history of the University of Tampa are kept in five places in the library:

  • MAIN collection - Spartan Search
  • Reserves - For example, the History of Hillsborough County, Florida: narrative and biographical is available on reserve (at the Circulation Desk).
  • Reference - For example, Tampa phone books from the 20th century can be found in the reference section on the first floor. (Search for Tampa (Hillsborough County, Fla.) city directory.) Bound volumes of the UT yearbook The Moroccan are also available.
  • Special Collections - The Macdonald-Kelce Library Archives and Special Collections houses rare books, manuscripts, memorabilia, and University papers of The University of Tampa. These materials go back to the founding of UT in 1931. A sample of what can be found in the archive is on display on the first floor of the library. The archive is currently closed to all visitors. Please contact with any questions.
  • Digital collections - UT's history is reflected in a digitized database of the Minaret (student newspaper), Moroccan (yearbook), UT Journal (alumni magazine) and Insighter (staff-faculty newsletter). This digital archive dates back to 1931 when UT was Tampa Junior College. The current four titles get updated every three years.

The Plant Museum collection focuses on the Plant Hotel before it became The University of Tampa, while the library's Special Collections focus on archival material since the inception of The University.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility