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Industry Profiles

A guide on how to find industry profiles and reports in the Macdonald-Kelce Library

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The following sources can be hit or miss and require some persistence to locate useful industry information.

  1. Key Business Ratios (need SIC)
  2. Mergent Online
  3. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has an Industry at a Glance page.
  4. The US Census Bureau’s County Business Pattern provides industry information for regions, counties, and cities.
  5. Search Datamonitor in Business Insights: Essentials.
  6. Search MarketWatch Datamonitor in Business Source Complete. (MarketWatch Datamonitor is not the same as Datamonitor by the Datamonitor Group. MarketWatch Datamonitor is a product of the Wall Street Journal, comes out less frequently, and covers business as well as industry.)
  7. SIC search at Occupational Safety & Health Administration.
  8. The print version of the Risk Management Association Annual Statement Studies (RMA annual statement studies. Industry default probabilities and cash flow measures) is available in REFERENCE: HF5681.B2 R59

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