AI in the Library


The library offers several AI tools to help with research. Use the buttons below to explore and test our AI tools.

Spartan Research Assistant

  1. Verified scholarly sources
  2. Searches library databases, not public internet
  3. Current sources with links to Full-Text

EBSCOEbsco Generate AI Insights

  1. Generate Insights to read a bullet point summary
  2. See if the article is worth downloading and reading

JSTOR Research Tool

  1. Quickly highlight key points from the text
  2. Discover new topics and explore new inquiry

AnswerConnect (CCH) CCH AI Beta

  1. Find Editor curated content
  2. Read AI-Generated Responses
  3. Locate relevant sources to review
  AI Dreams

Spartan Search - Research Assistant

Spartan Research Assistant

Use a natural language prompt to start

Research Assistant

Select Journal Articles, Peer-Reviewed or Books

Searches default to the last five years.

Overview based on citations with links identifying where the information was acquired.

You can limit to Journal articles, Peer-reviewed, or Books.

Research Assistant

You can limit to Journal articles, Peer-reviewed, or Books.

Locate verified sources in Full-Text

Research Assistant

Some things will require Interlibrary Loan

Don't worry, the form will be automatically filled out (10-14 days for ILL)


The Research Assistant understands foreign languages

The Research Assistant understands multiple foreign languages and responds accordingly.
Most sources found will be in English. However, some may be in the choice foreign language.




Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility