Users must create an AnswerConnect account using their UT email address while physically on campus. Users must also update their account every year. Offers the tools and resources for doing research in federal, state, and international taxation, financial & estate planning, accounting & auditing, special taxation, pension & payroll, etc.
CCH Walkthrough Guides
CCH AnswerConnect Tips (PDF)
Provides access to the entire United States Code, federal regulations, federal and state case law, statutes, etc.
Westlaw Classic Training - Videos (Note: do not click login on training area)
Westlaw Classic Complete Training PDF
Competitive bench-marking data from public and private companies with one to three year ratios.
Provides information on U.S. and foreign public companies and their Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, international company data ...
Contains information on stocks, mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), markets and uses portfolio tools to evaluate investment performance, etc.
Source of information and advice on approximately 1,700 stocks, more than 90 industries, the stock market, and the economy.
Use Google Scholar for a broader search.
If you find an article or book, not in full-text, request it from another library.
Email questions about requests to
Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility