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Country Studies & Intercultural Communication

Looking for information on different countries or cultures? This is the place to start.


Spartan Search

Search almost everything

Search across the entire library catalog (books, DVDs, government documents)
and most of the library databases (journal articles, images, newspapers).


Locating Peer-Reviewed Articles

Peer-reviewed, academic scholarship will most likely address specific research questions and research problems. It is typically not the place to turn for general overviews or current statistical information. That said, the bibliography, or list of citations at the end of an academic work can often be useful in locating high-quality, authoritative sources for general information or statistics.

To find scholarly articles about your country start with the library's search engine and search for your country. You'll likely have more success if you add a specific topical keyword along with the name of your country. On the results page use the column of category choices to narrow your results to Peer-Reviewed & Scholarly. You may also restrict by date by using a tool further down the column.

If you're having any trouble locating peer-reviewed scholarship on your topic check out the Introduction to Library Research guide, or get in touch with a librarian.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility