Theatre and Musical Theatre

Start Your Search

Use Spartan Search to search the library's collection of plays, vocal scores, sound recordings, DVDs, and other literature related to theatre.

UTampa students who obtain a Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative card have access to additional Kanopy titles and Hoopla, which offers streaming movies, television series, and music.

If you cannot access specific films in Kanopy, please check Films On Demand and the library catalog.

Please note that streaming media content is not indexed in Spartan Search and users should search those interfaces directly to find and access audio-video files.


Spartan Search

Search almost everything

Search across the entire library catalog (books, DVDs, government documents)
and most of the library databases (journal articles, images, newspapers).


Another Way to Search

Use Google Scholar for a broader search.

Google Scholar Search

If you find an article or book, not in full-text, request it from another library.

Call Numbers for Theatre Materials

The University of Tampa's Macdonald-Kelce Library has a wide selection of materials pertaining to many aspects of Theatre and Musical Theatre. Below are the relevant Library of Congress classification areas to explore. All items in the library (other than Government Documents) are assigned a Library of Congress call number and are arranged on the shelves accordingly.



PN1530                The monologue
PN1551        The dialogue
PN1560-1590        The performing arts.  Show business
PN1585-1589            Centers for the performing arts
PN1600-3307        Drama
PN1635-1650            Relation to, and treatment of, special subjects
PN1660-1693            Technique of dramatic composition
PN1720-1861            History
PN1865-1988            Special types
PN1990-1992.92            Broadcasting
PN1991-1991.9              Radio broadcasts
PN1992-1992.92            Television broadcasts
PN1992.93-19 92.95      Nonbroadcast video recordings
PN1993-1999            Motion pictures
PN1997-1997.85                Plays, scenarios, etc.
PN2000-3307            Dramatic representation.  The theater
PN2061-2071                Art of acting
PN2085-2091                The stage and accessories
PN2131-2193                By period
PN2131-2145                    Ancient
PN2152-2160                    Medieval
PN2171-2179                    Renaissance
PN2181-2193                    Modern
PN2219.3-3030             Special regions or countries
PN3035                The Jewish theater
PN3151-3171                Amateur theater
PN3175-3191                College and school theatricals
PN3203-3299                Tableaux, pageants, "Happenings," etc.


Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility