One of the most comprehensive databases available online. Provides access to full-text journals across a wide range of subject areas, including business, education, literature, political science, and psychology.
Take a look at the other databases and tools listed in this guide and also the Criminology Guide for resources.
The Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC) may also be a helpful tool.
OSAC strengthens the nation’s use of forensic science by facilitating the development and promoting the use of high-quality, technically sound standards. These standards define minimum requirements, best practices, standard protocols and other guidance to help ensure that the results of forensic analysis are reliable and reproducible.
OSAC, administered by NIST and part of NIST's Forensic Science Program, was created in 2014 to address a lack of discipline-specific forensic science standards. OSAC fills this gap by drafting proposed standards and sending them to standards developing organizations (SDOs), which further develop and publish them.
OSAC also reviews standards and posts high quality ones to the OSAC Registry. Inclusion on this registry indicates that a standard is technically sound and that laboratories should consider adopting them. Recent additions to the registry cover DNA mixture interpretation, digital evidence examination and wildlife forensics. Hundreds more are in the pipeline.
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