
Setting up an Account with SciFinder

Terms of Use

Every user must agreet to the following terms every time they log in to SciFinder:

SciFinder® may be used for Academic Research ONLY. Use of SciFinder for Commercial Research is strictly prohibited.

As a SciFinder Named User, I acknowledge the following:

  • I am a current faculty, staff member, or officially registered student of the academic institution through which I am accessing SciFinder.
  • I will search only for myself and use SciFinder ONLY for my own Academic Research at my academic institution.
  • I will not use SciFinder for Commercial Research or for organizations other than my academic institution.
  • I have been assigned a unique username and password and will not share my username or password with any other person.
  • I will not use any automated program or script for extracting and downloading SciFinder data, or any other systematic retrieval of data from SciFinder.
  • I may retain a maximum of 5,000 Records at any given time for my own Academic Research use or to share within a Project team for the duration of the Project.
  • My academic institution’s SciFinder License, the CAS Information Use Policies, and additional terms and conditions located under the “Legal” link in SciFinder (collectively "Terms & Conditions") apply to my use of SciFinder.

Violations of the Terms & Conditions may result in termination of my SciFinder access.

I will contact my SciFinder Key Contact or the CAS Customer Center (help@cas.org) if I have any questions regarding my use of SciFinder (from the publisher's website).

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility