
Get help with your dance research here.

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Use Spartan Search to search the library's collection of DVDs and literature related to dance.

Please note that streaming media content is not indexed in Spartan Search and users should search those interfaces directly to find and access audio-video files.


Spartan Search

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Search across the entire library catalog (books, DVDs, government documents)
and most of the library databases (journal articles, images, newspapers).


Another Way to Search

Use Google Scholar for a broader search.

Google Scholar Search

If you find an article or book, not in full-text, request it from another library.

Call Numbers for Dance Materials

The University of Tampa's Macdonald-Kelce Library has a wide selection of materials pertaining to many aspects of dance. Below are the relevant Library of Congress classification areas to explore. All items in the library (other than Government Documents) are assigned a Library of Congress call number and are arranged on the shelves accordingly.

GV 1580: Dance periodicals
GV 1585: Dictionaries, encyclopedias
GV 1587: Terminology, abbreviations, notations
GV 1587.5: Directories
GV 1588: Philosophy and theory
GV 1589: Study and teaching
GV 1590-94: General overview of dance
GV 1595: Special aspects of the subject
GV 1596: Pictorial works
GV 1596.5: Juvenile works
GV 1597: Dancing as a profession
GV 1600-1620: Dance criticism, appreciation, history
GV 1621-1728: the above by geographical region
GV 1735: Apparatus and equipment
GV 1740-41: Ethics; Dancing and the church
GV 1743: National dances. Folk dances (general)
GV 1746-1771: Social dancing. Ballroom dancing
GV 1781-1795: Theatrical dancing
GV 1782.5: Choreography
GV 1783: Modern or expressionistic dancing
GV 1783.5: Religious dance
GV 1784: Jazz dance
GV 1785: Biography
GV 1785.8-1786: Dance groups or companies
GV 1786.32-1790: Ballet
GV 1793: Clog dancing
GV 1794: Tap dancing
GV 1796, A-Z: other dances, alphabetical by dance name
GV 1798: Gymnastic dancing; rhythmic exercise
GV 1799: Dances for special classes of persons

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility