A primary source is an original first-hand source of information created at the time under study. See the Primary Sources research guide for more information.
There are many freely accessible open access digital archives where you can find primary sources. The list below is a sampling and is by no means exhaustive. Check with a librarian to find more that relate to your topic.
Image: Exhibit from Walt Disney Productions, Ltd. v. Pathe Exchange, Inc. and the Van Beuren Corporation (Equity T-87), dated c. 1932. National Archives Identifier: 333398767.
View in National Archives Catalog
For many more resources check the Datasets and Statistics guide.
Backing up a claim with statistical data and empirical evidence lends credibility to your argument. You may cite other scholars substantiated claims to support your own but it still important that you demonstrate the validity of your own claim and the claims of others with evidence.
U.S. Government Sources:
Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility