Getting the Articles:
It is important to remember that PubMed does not directly supply articles. It is an index to search for articles. Some articles are freely available online, but many will have a fee from the publisher to access the article.
Access Full text articles through:
- PubMed Central is NLM free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literatures. Here is the icon you will see for PubMed Central:

- Publishers who offer either free or pay-per-view access to articles on their websites. Articles can cost anywhere from $10 to $100+ per article. This is why it is important to connect to your library to access items. Here is an example of a vendor icon:

- Institutional libraries with which you are affiliated using LinkOut. Here is the icon for the Macdonald-Kelce Library:

Accessing Macdonald-Kelce Library Resources:
- To access the Macdonald-Kelce Library resources, following the instructions on Connecting to PubMed.
- Then look for the "UTampa Full Text Link" and click on it to access the material.
- Use the red "UTampa Link to Full Text" link to access article PDFs for free, for anyone with a University of Tampa login.