Institutional Repository (UoTIR)

A guide to get you started on formatting and submitting your completed papers to The University of Tampa's Institutional Repository

Departmental Guidelines for Project Submission

For departments offering graduate programs that require or have an optional final project for graduation, the following process should be followed for preservation of the work in the UoTIR.


Please review this guide. We are happy to include any specific information from your department in the guide.


Departments should add the following language to the departmental website, and to the catalog description of curriculum and graduation requirements of the program:

After departmental approval, students are required to submit an electronic version of their thesis, dissertation, or final project to the Macdonald-Kelce Library for inclusion in the digital repository, which is accessible on the Internet.

Embargoes restricting access of full text to only the University of Tampa community may be selected for 1 or 2 years, before the work is released freely on the web through the repository. Students also have the option to release the work for immediate access worldwide.



Distribute the Submission Form to students and the link to this guide. Please have your students submit their work, after final approval, by the end of their semester of graduation. 



Thank you for your support of preserving and disseminating the scholarly work of The University of Tampa’s undergraduate and graduate programs. This not only shares our scholarship with the world at large but helps to create stronger connections with our alumni and potential students. The UoTIR archives academic excellence at UT. 

Please contact repository@ut.edu with any questions or feedback.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility