The mission of the University of Tampa Institutional Repository (UoTIR) is to collect, preserve and make available the intellectual output of the institution, its members and affiliates. It serves to promote the University’s scholarship and create an institutional record of academic and other intellectual work. The UoTIR is managed by the Macdonald-Kelce Library.
At this time, the University of Tampa Institutional Repository (UoTIR) collects select University research and materials, including the following: student work, consisting of projects fulfilling program requirements (such as a master’s level thesis, doctoral dissertation, or capstone) and final projects, defined as research by undergraduates in their senior year, resulting in a culminating project representative of the breadth and depth of their knowledge in their major; faculty publications (including pre-prints, working papers/technical reports, and white papers), and data sets.
All student work must have the appropriate departmental and/or institutional approvals before becoming a part of the IR.
Access & Embargoes
All deposited content is made immediately available to the University of Tampa community. If no embargo is chosen, work will be immediately free to access online.
All students have the option to embargo (restrict access) to The University of Tampa community for 1 or 2 years. After that time, the work will be freely available online.
Future potential collections include (but are not limited to): course-based publications, interdepartmental group publications, teaching & learning resources, websites, and course catalogs. Please let us know if you are interested in depositing any of the above items, and we will work with you to determine if it's appropriate for inclusion at this time.
File formats
Preferred file format for text is PDF/A. Other acceptable formats include Word Documents and PDFs, which we will then convert to PDF/A. For other preferred formats, see: Please know that while we do our best to maintain the original, there are times we will have to convert the original format to maintain accessibility, which may reduce the quality of the original item.
All deposits are considered permanent. Content may be removed in case of violation of deposit agreement or other exceptional circumstances, in which case only the record will remain with the following message: “Item withdrawn by authority of The University of Tampa."
The contributor must either hold the copyright, or the right to deposit, for all contributed content.
If the deposited content is unpublished, the library recommends using a Creative Commons license, either CC-BY or CC-BY-NC, or registering the work with the US Copyright Office.
By depositing their work, the contributor agrees to give the University only the non-exclusive right to disseminate and preserve the content. Preservation may require reproducing the content in different formats to ensure future accessibility.
Using content
Deposited content may be covered by copyright.
Personal information submitted by users
The system collects personal information submitted during the deposit process. Submitted information will be used only for the purpose for which you submitted it, with the exception that the Library may make reasonable statistical reports that do not identify particular individuals. The library does not share this information with private organizations or allow it to be used for commercial purposes.
The library is committed to providing preservation of repository content, by storing and backing up submitted work, and by retaining work in the most current stable format.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility