Scholarly Communication @ UT

A guide to learn more about scholarly communication, including open access, copyright, and grant funding resources.

Consider depositing your scholarship to the UT Institutional Repository.

Please contact us with any questions!

Benefits of Archiving Your Scholarship in the UT Institutional Repository

By depositing in UoTIR or in a disciplinary repository you can increase the discoverability of your research and participate in Open Access without changing your publishing practices. Most major publishers permit some form of archiving.

If you negotiate your rights as an author and deposit your work in the UoTIR, you can:

  • Retain the rights you want
  • Use and develop your own work without restriction
  • Increase access for education and research
  • Make your work permanently and openly accessible
  • Potentially increase the citation metrics for your work

Steps for Submission to the UoTIR

You have options for submitting your work to UoTIR.

Here's the services we offer to get you started:

CV review: Librarians can review your CV to determine which of your publications are eligible, according to publisher policies, for submission in the UT Repository.

Individual works: If you have a specific publication you would like to submit, we can also review the publisher's policies to determine if the work can be archived in our repository.​


If you are ready to submit your work to UoTIR, fill out this form:

Faculty Publication Submissions Form

Before submission, please have on hand:

  • Article version: Is your article a pre-print, a post-print, published, or unpublished?
  • Publisher Agreement: An agreement or any other documentation between you and the publisher, so we can best determine your rights to archive. If you do not have this on hand, we will work to determine whether you may publish in the UoTIR. 

For any further questions, contact us at repository@ut.edu

Thank you for submitting your work to UoTIR! With your participation, we are able to highlight the scholarly output of The University of Tampa.

Disciplinary Repositories

There are dozens of disciplinary repositories. Here is a sample list that may be suitable for your research:

Humanities Repositories

Science Repositories

Social Science Repositories

Two additional general resources to discover Open Access repositories:

Directory of Open Access Repositories

OpenDOAR is a directory of Open Access repositories around the world (including UT's IR!).

Registry of Open Access Repositories

Terms to Know

Pre-print: The version of an article submitted to a journal

Post-print: The version accepted for publication. This version is after peer review, but before typesetting. It contains the same content word for word as the publisher's PDF. Most publishers will allow you to archive the post-print. 

Publisher’s version/PDF: The final, published version 


Every journal has varying copyright and publishing policies. SHERPA/RoMEO is a site where you can easily check these policies. It is important to understand the restrictions and general conditions of the publisher, especially if you are considering archiving in the UT Institutional Repository, so please double check with the publisher before signing an agreement to clear up any confusion.

Important things to check:

* Will the publisher accept pre-prints, post-prints, or the publisher's version to be posted in an open access archive or IR?

* What are the stipulations (if any) for self-archiving or uploading to an IR? For instance, is there an embargo, or period of time before you can share your work openly?

SHERPA/RoMEO categorizes each archiving policy with a different color (click to expand)

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility