Scholarly Communication @ UT

A guide to learn more about scholarly communication, including open access, copyright, and grant funding resources.


Logo for ORCID ID



Each ORCiD ID is a 16 digit identification number.

Creating Your Profile

You can begin building your ORCiD profile after you register for your ORCiD.

In your profile you can include biographical information and other names you're known by.

The main parts of your ORCiD profile are:

  • Education
  • Employment
  • Funding
  • Works

The works section is the most important section to fully complete. This will help connect you to all your research outputs.

Creating Your Profile Video

Add Works

Adding works to ORCiD is simple. This is the manual entry form. You'll need to select a work category and type, provide the title and publication information, citation, and identifier information. Work categories are publication, conference, intellectual property, and other.

What works can I add to my ORCID profile?

ORCID has 37 types of research outputs, including:

  • Journal articles
  • Presentations
  • Datasets
  • Books
  • Encyclopedia entries
  • Research tools
  • Websites
  • Supervised student projects
  • Conference posters
  • Conference papers
  • Lectures/Speeches
  • Artistic performances

Adding a work

You can add works to your ORCiD profile through:

  • Search & Link
  • Import BibTeX
  • Adding manually

To the left you can see the form to add works manually. If you're an established scholar adding via search & link may be the quickest option. You can search and link from ten other tools, including Scopus and CrossRef.

Top Tip: Include DOIs

A DOI is a digital object identifier

Many journals and some repositories provide you with a DOI for your articles, datasets, and posters. If your work has a DOI, be sure to include it under "work identifiers" when completing each "add work" form.

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