Scholarly Communication @ UTampa

A guide to learn more about scholarly communication, including open access, copyright, and grant funding resources.

Why should I publish Open Access?

An image of how open access benefits authors and readers for reputation building and advancing knowledge

  • Open Access publications have proven potential for greater citation
  • Research is more discoverable
  • Rapid publication
  • Authors keep their copyright
  • Taxpayers get access to tax-funded research
  • Helps to eliminate inequalities in access to research
  • Federal funders require Open Access

Choosing a Journal

Logo for Think. Check. Submit.

How can you choose a trusted journal for your research? No matter where you are publishing always Think. Check. Submit.

Think: Ask yourself, can you trust this journal with your research? Does the journal publish research you would read yourself?

Check: Is the organization or publisher of the journal identifiable? Can you contact them easily? 

For journals with publication fees (color charges, Open Access) - are the fees clearly listed on the publisher's website? Reputable publishers should list their fees clearly and publicly. 

Do you know the names or reputations of any of the editorial board members? 

Are the articles indexed in services you use within your subject area?

Submit: If you can answer yes to these questions, then submit!

Check out this guide for more information about predatory open access publishers.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility