Online resources available. The Library is closed for maintenance.


Faculty and Staff Resources

This guide assists faculty and staff with resources offered by the Macdonald-Kelce Library.

Library Donations

The Macdonald-Kelce Library welcomes donations of cash, in-kind donations, and personal book collections. Monetary gifts are welcomed for the purchase of specific items consistent with the Library's collection development.

Materials given to the Library are evaluated by the same standards as purchases. The Library determines final disposition of gifts and reserves the right to dispose of any portion that does not meet the collection development criteria. Gifts offered with restrictions are accepted at the discretion of the Library Director.

Rare books and manuscripts will be evaluated by the appropriate staff and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Donations may be made as memorial tribute to an individual or as a commemoration of a special occasion. Each book purchased as a honorary donation will bear a personalized commemorative bookplate. The Library respectfully requests a minimum contribution of $20 for these purchases.

The Library will not appraise gift materials. If desired, donors should seek appraisals by a qualified third party. The Library follows all federal and state regulations governing donations, including rulings on appraisals for tax deduction. The Library is prohibited by conflict of interest concerns from providing estimates of monetary value for any donation. Donors must comply with all IRS regulations in force before delivery of gifts or donations. The acceptance of a gift, which has been appraised by the donor or a third Party, in no way implies endorsement of the appraisal by the Library.

Donations must be free of mold, mildew, and insects. The Library cannot accept materials that are damaged by water or smoke, ripped, torn, have extensive wear, or books that are defaced by writing or highlighting. The Library does not accept magazines, newspapers, or audio-visual materials in obsolete formats.

Monetary contributions to the Library, made by cash or check, support the purchase and preservation of resources and materials. Anyone wishing to make a cash or in-kind donation may contact either the Library Director, Alisha Miles, or The University of Tampa Development Office (please indicate that your gift is for the Library). All contributions to The University are tax deductible. Learn more about University Giving here

You may also show your support by becoming a Friend of the Macdonald-Kelce Library.

Thank you for your interest in the Library!


Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility