Faculty and Staff Resources

This guide assists faculty and staff with resources offered by the Macdonald-Kelce Library.

Wall Street Journal & New York Times Access

The Macdonald-Kelce Library has site licenses for both The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

Beyond the content of each newspaper, both offer faculty ways to incorporate these resources into their classes.

See below for information about setting up your own account for each publication and how to access faculty resources.

New York Times

The Macdonald-Kelce Library provides UTampa students, faculty, and staff with an ALL ACCESS NYTimes.com Pass, which gives you complimentary access to NYTimes.com and NYT apps.* If you’re having issues signing up with Chrome, please try another browser. If you still experience any issues, please get in touch with the library.

The UTampa Site License includes:
  • Unlimited access on NYTimes.com (There is no daily limit to the number of articles you can download)
  • Archives (dating back to 1851)  timesmachine.nytimes.com/browser ( 5 PDF article downloads from Times Machine per user per day/100 per month) 
  • Games: Spelling Bee, Wordle, The Crossword and more.
  • Cooking: Recipes, advice and inspiration for any occasion.
  • Wirecutter: Independent reviews for thousands of products
  • The Athletic: In-depth, personalized sports journalism.
  • Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality - found in the App; NYT stories told through enhanced technology
  • Daily 360 content - two dimensional, 360° views (with mobile device or using a mouse)
  • Podcasts (including The "Daily" podcast)
  • All multimedia, including videophotographyVR features, and new multimedia to come.
  • Newsletters (there are a variety of topics that you may subscribe to)
  • Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions of NYTimes.com.
  • Unlimited access to two great learning tools: The New York Times inEducation website and The Learning Network. ( nytimesineducation.com and nytimes.com/learning ).  
  • New York Times Audio, a new iOS app filled with audio journalism and storytelling on a wide range of topics, from global events to delectable recipes, is now available. Download New York Times Audio to start listening!

The InEducation and Learning Network sites feature: 

  • Over 1,000 resources published each year to ensure materials are relevant and up to date 
  • Lesson plans 
  • News and geography quizzes 
  • Student opinion questions 
  • Picture prompts and graph prompts 
  • Current events conversations 
  • Writing curriculum 
  • Contests 
  • Professional development webinars 

Troubleshooting and FAQs are found here.

* Access to archived articles within the date range 1923-1980 is limited. You must have a valid email address from a participating organization. Other restrictions may apply.

Wall Street Journal

Macdonald-Kelce Library is proud to announce online access to the Wall Street Journal website. First time signup will require users to create a free WSJ account and select optional preferences. It will walk you through several account questions, but many of these can be skipped.

Once your account is created, future logins will automatically sign you in. You will also be able to download the WSJ app. Access is for the most current 4 years. After creating your account, sign-up for newsletters and alerts here.

Reminder: All faculty and staff need to refresh their account once a year to ensure they are still affiliated with the university. We send out email reminders, however these can easily get sent to spam or lost in the shuffle. If you do not receive these refresh emails and lose access (aka hitting our paywall), users can go through WSJ.com/UofTampa to reactivate their account. 


To access older WSJ articles: (Jan 2, 1984 - present)

OR follow these steps from the library homepage:

  • From the library homepage, select 'Search' and then 'Journal Search.'
  • Search for 'Wall Street Journal.'
  • You will see a few options. Make sure to select 'The Wall Street journal. Eastern edition.'

For Faculty

A dedicated WSJ Academic Coordinator is available for group or individual professor workshops to walk faculty through WSJ’s professor tools and help integrate WSJ into their coursework. Faculty can schedule time with your WSJ Academic Coordinator here.

This reading list tool, which can now be integrated into Canvas, makes it simple to curate relevant WSJ articles, allowing professors to share important and timely news stories with students every week.

Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility