
Let RefWorks automatically do your citations and References in your next paper.

Save citations directly into RefWorks

Library databases can export citations into RefWorks.

  • Save citations into your RefWorks account.
  • Organize the citations into folders (for classes/assignments).
  • Add the browser plugin so you can save website articles into RefWorks


Many library databases have Export to RefWorks to save the citations.

The browser plugin allows you to save a citation from any website.

Always check the citation and edit the capitalization or other parts.

Consider uploading the full PDF into RefWorks, to save the full text into your RefWorks account.

Get the RefWorks Browser Add-on

For almost any web browser:

  1. Login to RefWorks
  2. Click Tools
  3. Click Install Save to Refworks
  4. Click and drag Save to RefWorks to
    your browser toolbar
  5. You can rename the button,
    but don't change the code.
  6. If you have trouble, upload the PDF

Save to RefWorks

If you are having trouble with this step, you can manually create a bookmark.

  • Call it Save to Refworks and paste this into the URL box.
  • javascript:var d=document,s=d.createElement('script'),EXT_SERVICE_PROVIDER='https://refworks.proquest.com',PME_SERVICE_PROVIDER='https://pme.proquest.com';s.src=PME_SERVICE_PROVIDER+'/PME.js';(d.body?d.body:d.documentElement).appendChild(s);void(0);

If you are having trouble with Mac Safari, try using Chrome.

RefWorks Save from Browser

After adding the browser button "Save to RefWorks" you can click it from any webpage. 

Save to RefWorks




Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - library@ut.edu - Accessibility