Use the RCM, Write-N-Cite, or Google Docs to put citations and bibliography into your paper.
RCM is the best way to add citations in Microsoft Word.
(Works on all newer Macs and Windows computers)
How to use RCM
Write-N-Cite Adds citations and the bibliography into Microsoft Word.
Login to RefWorks, Open Tools, and download Write-N-Cite.
Sign in with your RefWorks account.
Then you can add citations and the bibliography.
The Bibliography adjusts when citations are added or removed.
You can also install RefWorks into Google Docs
Open any Google Document
Click Add-on in the menubar and search for RefWorks.
Install Refworks and sign in with your RefWorks account
Here are the steps to download Write-N-Cite to your computer:
* Microsoft Word MUST be installed on your computer for the Write-N-Cite plug-in to work. Contact the IT helpdesk for assistance in downloading Microsoft Office to your computer from your UT Office 365 account.
Macdonald-Kelce Library - The University of Tampa - 401 W. Kennedy Blvd. - Tampa, FL 33606 - 813 257-3056 - - Accessibility